MWO Marshall Dumont, CD
After 29+ years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, Master Warrant Officer Marshall J. Dumont, CD1 will retire 12 July 2018. A Depart with Dignity Ceremony will take place at the Edmonton Garrison Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess in Edmonton, on 19 1400 Oct 18. Attendees are requested to advise the OPI of their planned attendance NLT 15 Sep 2018. Professional and/or humorous anecdotes or retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI by e-mail.
MWO Dumont joined the Canadian Armed Forces on 11 May 1989. After successfully completing his QL3 in Chilliwack, B.C., he was posted to 1 Combat Engineer Regiment. Marshall spent his first 9 years at 1 CER, during which he completed his QL5 course, CLC, and had the rare honour of becoming a combat rat. He deployed to Kuwait as part of Op UNIKOM, deployed to Croatia as part of Op HARMONY, where he was awarded the Governor General Commendation for the actions of the 2 PPCLI Battle Group during the MEDAK Pocket, and to Bosnia as part of Op PALLADIUM.
In 1999, MWO Dumont was posted to CFB Borden as a Range Control Patrol Sergent and remained at Range Control until 2001 when he walked across the street to the Canadian Forces School of Administration and Logistics (CFSAL) to be an IEDD/EOD instructor. During this posting he earned the privilege to serve as the Cenotaph Guard Commander for the Remembrance Day ceremonies in Ottawa, where he had the opportunity to meet Governor General Adrienne Clarkson.
On promotion to Warrant Officer in 2003, he was posted back to 1 CER where he served as the 4 Tp WO, Regimental Operations WO. Furthermore MWO Dumont deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan for OP ATHENA as the 11 Field Squadron Quarter Master. Once back home, he was posted to the base to learn French for a year. On completion, WO Dumont was posted to 1 Engineer Equipment Troop in Wainwright to be educated by everyone’s favorite gentle giant Stoney. That said, he was only there for a week when he was attached posted to Task Force 5- 09 to be the Plans Warrant Officer. During this deployment, he was promoted to his current rank by General Vance and was given the opportunity to lead a Maybe and Johnson (M&J) bridge build which effectively ended up being a major highlight of his career. Tasked with constructing an 11 bay bridge with tow companies of American soldiers, MWO Dumont led the bridge build which was ultimately successful despite receiving contact from the Taliban. MWO Dumont was awarded a CEFCOM commendation for the construction of the M&J Bridge. Upon completion of the deployment, he was once again posted back to Wainwright, however this time as an OCT with CMTC to assist and mentor troops for deployments to Afghanistan.
As 2012 rolled around MWO Dumont was posted back to 1 CER for his final tour at the Regiment. He started as the SSM of 12 Field Squadron, eventually having the opportunity to serve as the Sergeant Major of every Sqn within the Regiment.
On the 16 March 2018, MWO Dumont, was posted to JPSU, to commence with the VRPSM program at NAIT.
The 30 July 2018, Marshall will mark the end of his 29+ year career with the Canadian Military Engineers. During his career he was awarded Iraq-Kuwait medal, the UN Protection Force Yugoslavia medal, NATO former Yugoslavia medal, the Canadian Peacekeeping medal, Queen's Golden Jubilee medal, Alberta Centennial medal, GCS South West Asia+2 RB, and Canadian Decoration 1 st clasp. Marshall has proudly served the majority of his career with 1 CER and wanted to express what a privilege it has been to serve a great nation with some of the best soldiers Canada has to offer. He will remain in St. Albert with his wife Cheryl and his daughter Summer Rose.
Marshall has taken a positon at the Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) in Edmonton, where he assists CAF members, with conflict resolution in harassment and grievances procedures.