MWO Dave Dunington, CD
After over 39 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Forces and to his country, MWO Dave Dunington CD will retire from the military on 10 January 2010.
MWO Dave Dunington was born in Vancouver, BC and enrolled in the Royal Westminster Regiment on Nov 14, 1970. During his time with the Reserve Force he served in Germany with 3 Mech Commando and completed a UN tour to Camp Shams, Egypt and the set-up of Camp Roofless in the Golan Heights 73/74. MWO Dunington Component Transferred to the Regular Force in 1975 and was posted to 3 PPCPI (Hollywood Battalion) serving in Victoria until January, 1980 when he re-mustered to Electrician and the Engineer Family.
MWO Dunington, on completion of his QL 3, was posted to 4 Wing Cold Lake until 1986, CFS Bermuda to 1989, 22 Wing North Bay to 1992, CFSME Chilliwack to 1997, Moscow, Russia to 2000, 19 Wing Comox to 2004, 127 Wing Winnipeg to 2006 and, once again, 19 Wing Comox to present. MWO Dunington also completed 2 tours of wonderful CFS Alert along with a 3 month 1 CEU project, for a total of 15 months in the north. He also had the opportunity to return to Golan in Aug. 2001 to see the changes from the set-up of 74.
Dave will be starting retirement leave 7th July and will retire in January of 2010 after 39 plus years of dedicated service to Queen and Country. Dave and his wife Karen plan on staying in the Comox Valley to spend time with the family and grandchildren, along with enjoying freedom 55 on the golf course and traveling.
Please send anecdotes or farewell wishes, etc to MWO Nigel Pollard at fax 250- 339-8182, or by email at NIGEL.POLLARD@FORCES.GC.CA. Departure with Dignity, which will include a retirement dinner, will take place 11 September 2009. The location will be confirmed at a later date. Anyone interested in attending may contact MWO Pollard at 191 CEF Comox.