MWO Brian Lowe, CD

    MWO Lowe was born in Vancouver British Columbia and enrolled into the Canadian Armed Forces in 1980 as an infanteer. Pte Lowe started training in Wainwright Alberta in1980 and after completing his Basic Training, he was posted to CFB Calgary with the First Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. During his short posting to Calgary, he saw the light and applied for a transfer to the Fire Fighting trade.

    In the summer of 1984 Cpl Lowe, after spending some time on his QL3 in Borden was transferred to CFB Comox, where he fine tuned his skills as a Fire Fighter. After enjoying his tour up Island, Cpl Lowe received a transfer to HMCS Provider.

    Experiencing the life on board ship for three years, he moved to CFFS Esquimalt for a short period before heading off to CFB Edmonton.

    After his short 4 years in Edmonton, Brian received his MCpl’s and then returned to the navy where he spent the next four years between HMCS Annapolis, HMCS Winnipeg and HMCS Vancouver where he received a promotion to the rank of Sgt.

    He was then transferred to 4 AES Cold Lake in Jul 1999 and enjoyed a short tour in the Golan Heights. On his return, he took a position as Plt Chief with the 4 Wing Cold Lake Fire Service until he deployed to TF Kabul TSE in Feb 04 to Jul 04.

    Receiving his MWO in Jul 2004, Brian received a transfer back to the Navy as Sea Training Pacific until his posting to CFB Edmonton as the Deputy Fire Chief in Feb 2006.

    MWO Lowe will be hanging up his Helmet for the last time on 26 Apr 2009. Brian and his wife Mel will stay in the area of St-Albert where Brian will pursue employment and enjoy his pastime of photography.

    A retirement luncheon is planned for Brian and Mel on the 24 Apr 09 at Brewster’s in north Edm. Please send all retirement wishes to MWO Coutu at “Coutu MWO D@CFB/ASU Edmonton@Edmonton” or “”