MWO // Adjum Dale S. Hickey, CD

    • MWO Dale S. Hickey, CD

    After more than 31 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MWO Dale Hickey, CD, will retire on 15 May 2023. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to WO M.W. Allen at

    Master Warrant Officer Dale Hickey grew up in St. John’s, Newfoundland, from the day he was born in 1973. Dale joined the CAF Primary Reserves in 1991, completed recruit training, and trained as a Supply Tech before re- mustering to MSE OP with 36 Service Battalion. He transferred to the Regular Force in 1995. Upon completion of QL3 Field Engineer Training, he was posted to CFB Gagetown, 4 Engineer Support Regiment, and spent about twelve years there as a Fd Engr, EHE Op, and Cbt Engr. Dale deployed with 4 ESR on Op PALLADIUM (Bosnia) in 1999, Op PLATEAU (Africa) in 2001, a DART mission to Pakistan in 2005, and finally Op ATHENA (Afghanistan) in 2007.

    Dale was posted to the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering in 2007 as a bridging instructor and Standards Rep. He was posted to 1 Engineer Support Unit (Moncton/Kingston) from 2012 to 2014 as the heavy equipment SME in 15 Sqn. He returned to CFSME in 2014 as the Stds Rep again, then the Ops and Plans WO, and finally the HCT Tp WO. In 2018, he was back to 4 ESR to fill the Heavy Equipment Tp WO position before being posted to 5 CDSB Gagetown as the Base Ops WO from 2019 to 2021. APS 2021 saw Dale, again, posted to CFSME to fill the HCT Tp WO. Dale was promoted to the rank of Master Warrant Officer in 2022 to become the HQ SSM / Ops MWO for CFSME.

    Dale is a proud father to his son Tanner. He lives in Burton with his spouse, Christine, and is a proud stepfather to Ryleigh and Cameron. Following retirement, Dale plans to spend time with family, travelling, and wood working. Dale is currently posted to CFSME as the HQ SSM / Ops MWO and will officially retire on 15 May 2023.