MCpl/Cplc Yoland Deschênes, CD

    Mcpl Yoland Deschênes joined the Canadian Forces in 1979 in the city of Sept-Îles at the age of 17. He completed Basic Training at the Recruit School in SaintJean, Québec. After Basic Training he proceeded to CFB Borden were he attended Canadian Forces Fire Academy for his QL3 course. Upon completion of his QL3 course he was posted to CFB Edmonton. With Yoland`s love for a new challenges, he decided to change trades. He became a PERI Staff in Penhold, Alberta from 1989 to 1991. In 1991 his carrier changed in a completely different direction, and left the Canadian Forces to join the Correctional Service of Canada as a Correctional Officer at the Bowden Institution, Alberta.

    After a few years as a Correctional Officer, he took the decision to rejoin the Canadian Forces. In 2001 after 10 years of absence from the Canadian Forces, he recommenced his new Firefighter QL3 course. After successful completion of his QL3 course, he was posted to CFB Bagotville, Québec in January of 2002. In the end of May 2005 posted to the NCSM Ville de Québec in Halifax, in Nova Scotia. After three years on the Ville de Québec he was promoted to the rank of Mcpl in January 2008. In May of 2008 he was posted back to CFB Bagotville.

    In spite of the fact that Mcpl Yoland Deschênes took 30 years to complete 20 years of service with the Canadian Forces, he does not regret any professional decision he took. This has allowed him to obtain the experience in different aspects of the Military life as well as Civilian life styles.

    In July 2009 Yoland has decided to leave the Canadian Forces but this may not be the last time he wears the uniform of the Canadian Forces, with the possibility of joining the Reserves in Québec City.