MCpl/Cplc Stephane Forget, CD

    • MCpl/Cplc Stephane Forget, CD

    After more than 22 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, MCpl Stephane
    Forget, CD will retire on 14 July 2017 (see bio attached). Due to time constraints, a Depart with Dignity Ceremony will not take place however
    anecdotes or retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI by e-mail. OPI:  MWO Gary Ridgewell, email at .

    MCpl Forget joined the CAF on Sept 4th 1990 in Montreal, QC as a Field Engineer and attended his basic in St-Jean, QC. Upon completion of his trade training, he was posted to 5 CER at BFC Valcartier. While there, he deployed 3 times to the Former Yugoslavia in 1993, 95, and 99. He also deployed to assist those affected by the ice storm of 1998. In 2001 he chose to OT to 00149 Firefighter and on completion of his QL3 in 2002, was posted to 3 Wing Bagotville. He then moved on to CFB Trenton in 2004 followed by a posting to CFLRS at St-Jean, QC in 2006. In 2008 Stephane took a break from the CAF for five years before signing back up and accepting a position in 2013 to 2 Expeditionary Wing in Bagotville. His final posting was to 12 Wing Shearwater where he excelled while performing the duties of Platoon Chief. MCpl Forget will be retiring on 14 July 2017 after 22+ years of loyal and dedicated service. Stephane, his wife Yanick and their children Roxanne and William will be returning to the Bagotville area where they will no doubt spend their lives taking advantage of all that the area has to offer.