MCpl/Cplc A.K. Bossé, CD

    • MCpl/Cplc A.K. Bossé, CD

    After more than 22 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers Branch, Master Corporal Alain Bossé, CD, will retire on 29 August 2022. The Depart with Dignity ceremony for MCpl Bossé will take place on 10 June 2022 at JFC Brunssum, Netherlands. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to Sgt S.C.S. Crowe at prior to 08 June 2022.

    Born in Edmundston, New Brunswick, Master Corporal Alain Bossé enrolled in the Primary Reserve as an Infantryman with The Royal New Brunswick Regiment (RNBR) on 27 January 2000. After completing high school, he requested a transfer to the Regular Force as Construction Technician.

    He was posted to the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineers (CFSME) in Gagetown, New Brunswick in May 2001. After apprentice training (QL3) in July 2003, his first posting was to 5 Combat Engineer Regiment in Valcartier, Quebec. In 2005, he completed Construction Technician Journeyman training (QL5) at CFSME. From July 2007 to February 2008, he deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan, for Roto 4.

    After returning from Kandahar, he was posted to 4 Wing Cold Lake. In 2010 he completed Construction Technician Supervisor training (QL6A) at CFSME, was promoted to MCpl, and adopted the responsibilities of Contract Inspector for 4 Wing Cold Lake. From October 2011 to April 2012, he deployed to Task Force El Gorah, Egypt on OP CALUMET – Roto 11. He was promoted to Sgt in 2012 and became the 4 Wing Cold Lake Carpenter Shop Supervisor. While employed at 4 Wing, he also took part in several tasks in Inuvik, Northwest Territories.

    He was posted to 1 Engineer Support Unit (1 ESU) in Kingston in 2013 as the Construction Technician SME. In 2015, he deployed on a TAV for Task Force Jerusalem, Israel, on OP PROTEUS – Roto 15. In 2016, he deployed again, this time as a Drafting & Survey Technician to Erbil, Iraq, on OP IMPACT – Roto 0 for the camp build.

    In 2017, following the Compulsory Occupational Transfer to the new trade of Drafting & Survey Technician, he completed apprentice and journeyman training (DP1 & DP2) at CFSME from September 2017 to April 2018. In the summer of 2019, he was promoted to MCpl again and posted to a NATO positon as the Draftsman for Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) in Netherlands.

    MCpl Bossé has been with his spouse, Marina, for over 20 years and together, they have a son, Jake, and a daughter, Maelle. In his spare times, he enjoys hunting and fishing as well as spending time outdoors. Alain, Marina, Jake, and Maelle will settle in Cold Lake, Alberta, where they are looking forward to spending a lot of quality time together enjoying everything Alberta has to offer