MCpl Mathew MacLeod, CD
After more than 14 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, Master Corporal Mathew Macleod, CD (bio attached), will retire 17 Jul 2017. He has requested to forego a Depart with Dignity Ceremony. Anecdotes or retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI by e-mail.
OPI: Sgt John Malysheff, email at
or by phone at 780-842-1363 ext 1353 MCpl M.J. (Matthew) Macleod, enrolled in the CAF on the 20th of March 2003 as a rifleman in the Reserves of the Stormont, Dundas, & Glengarry Highlanders. In November of 2006 he accepted a Component Transfer to the Regular Force as a Weapons Technician Land. He attended his DP1 at CFB Borden, Ontario. Upon completing his DP1 he was subsequently posted to 1 Service Battalion at CFB Edmonton.
In 2012 he remustered to Electrical Distribution Technician, within the Engineer branch. After attending CFSME for his DP1 in 2013, he was posted to CFB Greenwood as an apprentice. Upon completion of his apprenticeship he returned to CFSME for his DP2 which he completed in January of 2016. He has since completed a tour in Kuwait, and been posted to CFB Wainwright. He will retire from the CAF on 17 July 2017.