MCpl Lindsay Sutton, CD
MCpl Lindsay Sutton will retire after 20 years of loyal and dedicated service to the C.F. Lindsay was born in Bay de Verde, NL in July 1964. After graduating high school he went to the Marine Institute of Memorial University of NL in St. John’s, receiving a Marine Diesel Mechanics Certificate in 1985.
In September 1987 Lindsay joined the Canadian Armed Forces at St. John’s, NL. Upon completion of Basic Training from CFRC Cornwallis in December 1987, Lindsay was posted to CFB Halifax to complete his OSQAB, Sea Environmental course and TQ3 Marine Engineering Mechanic course. After graduation Lindsay was posted to the HMCS Margaree in Halifax NS, where he participated on many deployments at sea. During his time on the Margaree Lindsay was attached posted to the Canadian Forces Naval Engineering School Atlantic (CFNES A) to complete his TQ4’s course.
In 1992, Lindsay was sent back to CFNES to complete a series of courses to be trained for the new Canadian Patrol Frigates (CPF’s). After completion of those courses, Lindsay was posted to HMCS Toronto. During his time on Toronto, Lindsay participated in a number of deployments, both short and long. He completed his TQ5 course in July 1995and in December 1997, Lindsay completed his Junior Leadership Course (JLC).
In July 1999, Lindsay was posted to the CFNES and worked as an Instructor for the CPF Marine Engineering Plant. In April 2001 Lindsay was posted to Fleet Maintenance Facility (FMF) Cape Scott, where he was employed as a maintainer in the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) shop.
After spending 15 years as a Marine Engineer Lindsay thought that a change in career was needed. After researching a number of occupations within the CF, Lindsay decided on the WFE Tech Trade.
Lindsay completed his TQ3’s in August 2004, and was posted to CFB Halifax. Over the following years he completed a number of courses which included; Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Water Distribution, and Wastewater Collection to name a few.
After his QL5’s in July 2007 Lindsay was promoted and posted to 9 Wing Gander. In November 2007 he decided to take a job with the Central Heating Plant at the Dockyard in HLFX, N.S.
He is quite happy to be living back in Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia, with his wife Lois and two daughters Crystal and Courtney. Best wishes to you, your family and future endeavors.