Maj Trevor Fenton, CD

    • Maj Trevor Fenton, CD

    Maj T.J. (Trevor) Fenton, CD will retire on 15 Aug 2016 after serving 15 plus years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the CME Branch (see bio attached).

    A DWD BBQ will take place on Tues 9 Aug 2016 at the 19 Wing Comox Officers Mess from 1130-1330.

    Messages, anecdotes or photos can be sent to Capt JM Boone  RO RP Ops Det Comox Tel: 250-339-8211 ext 6021 / CSN: 252-6021

    Major Trevor Fenton enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces on 16 June 2001 under the Regular Officer Training Plan. He attended university at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario from September 2001 to May 2005, graduating with first class distinction in Civil Engineering.

    Following a year of OJT with the 22 Wing North Bay CE section 2Lt Fenton reported to CFSME at CFB Gagetown in 2006 for his Const Engr phase trianing.

    Upon graduation from phase 4, Major Fenton was promoted to Lieutenant and posted to the Construction Engineering section at 4 Wing Cold Lake where he was initially employed as the Requirements Officer 2i/c working with both the Planning and Contracts cells. In May 2008, Maj Fenton was promoted to Captain and shortly thereafter deployed to Kandahar Airfield to work as part of the CJ Engineer section of Regional Command (South) HQ from June 2008 to January 2009. Upon return to 4 Wing, Capt Fenton was employed as the Engineering Officer for 6 months before being posted to CANOSCOM, OS Engineer Group the Summer of 2009.

    Capt Fenton filled the role of OS Engr 4 from August 2009 to April 2011 where he managed the CF Relocatable Temporary Camp (RTC) equipment suite, worked to fill RTC capability gaps and pushed to ensure the return of RTC equipment back from Afghanistan.

    In April 2011, Capt Fenton was asked to fill the roll of SO to the Chief of Staff – Infrastructure and Environment and Chief Military Engineer, MGen (ret’d) Benjamin.

    Maj Fenton was promoted to his current rank in January 2012 and transferred to the Chief of the Air Staff organisation as the RCAF Capital Construction Program Manager within the Directorate of Air Support.

    Following three and half years at RCAF Headquarters, Maj Fenton was pleased to accept an appointment as Officer Commanding, Real Property Operations Detachment (Comox) on 15 July 2015.

    Following his retirement, Maj Fenton plans on returning to his home town of Calgary, AB where he plans on putting down some roots and starting a family with his wife Brandi.
