Maj Terry Evoy, MMM, CD
Maj T.M. Evoy, MMM, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces in Feb 2016 after more than 38 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the CME Branch. (please see bio attached).
A retirement ceremony will be held in his honour on Wed 10 Feb 2016 at 1130 hrs at the NDHQ Ottawa Army Officer's Mess ($25/person including taxes and gratuity).
For planning purpose, please confirm your attendance and/or send congratulatory messages or anecdotes to Capt SW Ross at
by Wed 3 Feb 16. Maj Evoy joined the Reserves as a rifleman in the Royal Newfoundland Regt on 10 Feb 1978. After a brief and undistinguished career in the Infantry, he had an epiphany that blowing stuff up was much more fun than walking through the woods carrying a heavy rucksack. With this unusual clarity of vision, he enrolled in 56 Fd Sqn as a Sapper in 1979. In 1980 Spr Evoy deployed to 22 Fd Sqn in Gagetown for a three-week augmentation task. He was completely unaware that this task would result in a career that would last for another 35 years. Following a yearlong contract, Spr Evoy transferred to the Regular Force and was posted to 22 Fd Sqn. Subsequent postings to 4 CER in Germany, CFSME, and 2 CER saw his career progress and unveiled the diversity of opportunities available as a Combat Engineer. Over the ensuing years, he had the great fortune of serving as a fd section member, Bridgelayer operator and commander, demolitions and CMD instructor, Fd Troop Recce Sgt (the best job in the RCE), Engr Ops Officer in Afghanistan, staff officer in CEFCOM, Technical Authority for Explosives Detection Dogs, and EOD Operator. It was during the posting to 2 CER that the majority of his operational deployments occurred: Somalia in 1993, Bosnia in 1994/95/96. Ironically, a large part of this tenure in Petawawa involved walking through the woods carrying a heavy rucksack! In 1997, then WO Evoy was posted to 31 CER (The Elgins) to re-role the unit from an Armd Recce Regt. It was during this posting that WO Evoy was Commissioned from the Ranks. Lt Evoy completed Second Language Trg, and was subsequently posted to CFSME in 2000. In 2004 he was posted to the Joint Engr Branch of the JHQ in Kingston from which he deployed to Afghanistan in 2005. With the establishment of CEFCOM in 2006, Capt Evoy joined the J Engr EOD/ Intelligence section. In 2011 Maj Evoy was posted to the C-IED TF – later to become the – Joint Counter Explosive Threat TF- as the EOD Trg and Ops Officer. He would finish his career as the Defeat the Device Section Head within the TF. Over a meandering 38 year career, Maj Evoy greatly benefited from the leadership and mentoring of many outstanding individuals. A special note should be made of the positive influence during various stages of his career made by Sgt Mike Ralph, Maj (Ret) John Clarke, CWO (Ret) Ron Bruce, CWO (Ret) Wayne Ford, LCol John Hampson, LCol (Ret) Paul Davies, LCol Peter Peril and MWO (Ret) TK Stewart. Maj Evoy and his wife Bonnie intend to remain in the Ottawa area where Bonnie wishes to have him walk through the woods carrying a heavy rucksack.z2kh