Maj Pierre Beaulieu, CD, B Eng, M Eng, P Eng
Major Beaulieu was born in Quebec City; he enrolled in the CF in 1980 and attended College Militaire Royal in Saint -Jean for one year and then four years at Royal Military Collage in Kingston.
Completing his Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering in 1985 and his Military Engineering training, he was posted to CFB Cold Lake and then to Bagotville where he held various positions within Construction Engineering.
He then attended the University of New Brunswick, completing a Master Degree in Surveying Engineering with a specialty in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems. Posted to Ottawa in 1994 as the Directorate of Geographic Operations and the Mapping & Charting Establishment, where he then took on the custodianship of the NATO Digital Information Exchange Standard which forms the basis of the multi-national mapping co-production programs for both land and nautical information.
In 1997, he was posted to the newly established 1 Canadian Air Division HQ in A3 Ops to implement digital mapping capability in the Ops Centre. In September 2001, he went on to Bosnia on OP PALLADIUM as the Deputy Joint Task Force Engineer. Upon his return from Bosnia, he assumed the duties of the A4 AE Business Planner and Project Manager until the summer of 2005.
He was then posted to 4 Wg Cold Lake as the Wing Construction Engineering Requirements Officer and was promoted to the rank of Major in March of 2006 and became the Acting Wing Construction Engineering Officer until November 2006. He also deployed to Esquimalt for OP PONTOON as the Joint Task Force Engineer (Forward) in case of flooding in the lower Fraser River Valley.
In July 2007, he took command of then 4 Airfield Engineering Squadron. He led the Squadron through many changes such as the re-institution of operational training and in supporting various Afghan deployments. This long term overhaul to better prepare troops operating in austere conditions is now the norm in training Engineers and Mobile Support Equipment Operators in performing their war tasks.
In February 2009, he started pre-deployment training for an outside the wire Afghanistan tour as the Officer Commanding the Task Force 3-09 Construction Management Organization. Deploying in October 2009, his team comprised of 36 pers from various trades deployed throughout the Task Force Kandahar Area of Responsibility (AOR) operating with both Canadian and US Units. During that time, his organization provided well over 2,500 employment opportunities for the Afghans in an effort to insulate the insurgents from the population.
Upon his return, he re-assumed the duties of the Commanding Officer for 4 Construction Engineer Squadron. Learning from the recent Haiti earthquake operation, his organization in conjunction with 1 Cdn Air Div HQ oversaw the lightning-speed development and operationally driven Airfield Surface Assessment and Expedient Repair course where many have now been trained.
Major Beaulieu has two children, Dominic (18) and Cloé (15). Pierre will not definitely leave DND as he will gladly double-dip with the Public Service in D Air Prog to work on various infrastructure projects.