Maj Luc Doré, CD
Major PJL (Luc) Doré, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 04 Jul 2017, after more than 23 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch (please see bio attached). In order to honour Maj Doré's service in the CAF and to wish him well in his
retirement, a DwD will be held Friday, 23 June 2017 (1200-1400hrs) at Gainsbourg Bistro-Brasserie, 9 rue Aubry, Gatineau. For planning purposes, please confirm your attendance and send all congratulatory messages, anecdotes, photos, farewell messages to Capt Lui.I have always fought for what I thought was right: sometime I won and sometime I lost. Nonetheless, it always, always, always paid off as I stood ground for what I believed.
To make a short story even shorter, I am proud and thankful for the great opportunity I had to be part of forces for so many years and it is with a hint of sadness that I will be retiring. My little story started as a kid from the country side with no military background who was offered the opportunity to get a degree and become an officer. I had the pleasure of servicing in CMR (St-Jean), RMC (Kingston), CFSME (Gagetown), 5 RGC (Valcartier), 9 EG (Rouyn-Noranda), ADM(Mat) (Gatineau), 4 ESR (Gagetown), and DLR (Gatineau). Not only the little boy I was discovered Canada but also many countries around the world. I now retire with lots of good memories, friends and a lovely family.
Cheers to those who knows me and to those who don’t, just remember that being an officer is all about people skills.
Born under the lily, I grew up under the roses.