Maj J.P.R. Nault, MMM, CD

    • Maj J.P.R. Nault, MMM, CD

    After more than 37 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Maj Remi Nault, MMM, CD, will retire on 14 February 2023. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to Cdr D.J. Thompson at

    After more than 37 years of service, it is time for me to move on. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all those with whom I had the pleasure of serving over the years. I have no regrets: I enjoyed serving nine years in the Army with the R22R in both Valcartier and Germany; and more than 28 years in the Canadian Military Engineer family.

    Having joined the CAF at the age of seventeen, this will be quite a change for me. However, I’ve decided to stick to what I know and so, will continue to work with DND as a Public Servant in CProg. I will not have a DWD but would be glad to catch up with anyone over coffee if you happen to work or pass by Carling Campus - Just send me an e-mail.