Maj Hubert Martin "Hugh"Tilley, CD (Ret'd)
We regret to advise of the death of Major Hubert Martin "Hugh" Tilley, CD (Retd) on 15 March 2010 at the age of 83 in Halifax, NS.
Hugh was born in Istanbul, Turkey where his father was a professor at the American sponsored Robert College. He received his early education in Turkey, the United States and the Channel Island of Jersey. Hugh graduated from the Annapolis Royal Academy, Dalhousie University and the Nova Scotia Technical College with a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil).
Hugh joined the Canadian Army at age 17 and served for one year in Canada until the end of World War II. He joined the post-war Army in 1951 in the Royal Canadian Engineers and served until 1973. Hugh served in Canada in the Royal Canadian School of Military Engineering at Camp Chilliwack ,BC; 59th Field Squadron at Camp Petawawa,ON; 4 Works Company in Montreal, QC; was Officer Commanding 31 Works Section in Soest Germany; and was Base Construction Engineering Officer, Greenwood, NS (1969 - 73). Outside Canada he served in Korea with 59th Field Squadron during the Korean Conflict (1953-54), the United Nations Emergency Force I in the Suez Canal, the Sinai and the Gaza Strip.
Upon retirement from the Canadian Forces Hugh worked with Public Works Canada in Halifax until his final retirement in 1987. Hugh belonged to a variety of organizations including the Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia, the Korea Veterans Association, the Military Engineers Association of Canada and the Retired Sappers Associations of both Chilliwack and Gagetown.
The funeral service will take place at Saint George's Round Church on 19 March, followed by a private family interment. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Saint George's Round Church (Anglican) 2222 Brunswick Street, Halifax, B3K 2Z3 or the Friends of the Halifax Public Gardens, PO Box 36103, 5665 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 3S8. {khMay2018}