Maj Alain Perreault, CD

    • Maj Alain Perreault, CD2

    Maj Perreault joined the CF in 1976 after completing his bachelor degree at Laval University in  Quebec City. He then carried on with basic training at CFOCS Chilliwack followed by the CMEO course at CFSME in 1977 with a three week stint in between consisting in a crash English course at St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu. Career and other significant courses he put under his belt are the Staff School course in Toronto; the AFOC in Chilliwack; the CLF Staff College course in Kingston; the ACEO course in Chilliwack; and at last but not least the Winter Warfare and Base Defence Force basic and advanced courses at Wainwright and Borden respectively. Also completed are the self study packages for the OPDP and the FMC Off‌icer Examination (FOE).

     Before, in between, and after all that good training and courses were interesting postings to 5 CER in Valcartier as Admin 0 and Troop Commander from 1977 to 1980; to 10 Fd Engr Sqn in Quebec City as R880 and Engr advisor to SSO Fd Engr at HQ Eastern Region from 1980 to 1983; to CFB St-Jean CE Section as Prod 0 from 1983 to 1985; to FMCHQ St-Hubert Command Engr Branch as 802 Works from 1985 to 1988; to CFB Montreal as BCEO from 1988 to 1992.

    Finally he got the dream posting to NDHQ ADM(IE) for a couple of years from 1992 until now as D Util MS 2 in DGPU; EA to the new ADM(IE) in 1996; DRAP something in DGRPP in 1997; DCPEP 2 in DGCPS in 2001; and lastly DGME Fin & BP Manager in DGME in 2007. Maj Perreault retired from the Reg Force in 2009 and carried on working until now on a three year Class B reservist status. He has two sons, Mathieu and Francois, who are now flying on their own (one is also a CF member).