LCol/Lcol P.D. Madic, CD
After more than 34 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and Canadian Military Engineer Branch. LCol Chip Madic, CD, will retire on 15 September 2022. A Depart with Dignity ceremony will be held on 24 June 2022 at the CFB Halifax Wardroom from 12:00 to 15:00 hours.
Attendance is open. For planning purposes, please indicate at link if you wish to attend - LCol Madic's - DWD - All Items ( There will be a small charge at the door to cover the cost of food, however LCol Madic will provide a keg of beer. Anecdotes and retirement wishes can be sent to Maj A.N. Saweczko,, or Maj P. Hatvani,
Peter “Chip” Madic was born and raised in Elliot Lake, ON, the mall rooftop parking capital. After completing a Civil Engineering Technology diploma at Cambrian College, and a Bachelor of Earth and Atmospheric Science Degree from Trent University, Chip became OCdt Madic on 9 September 1988.
Following language training, engineer training, and another bout of language training, the Corps gave up on French and Lt Madic was posted to Greenwood. From there, Capt Madic was off to 1 CER, followed by 45 Fd Engr Sqn and 36 CBG HQ as the Atlantic Y2K Engr. Maj Madic came to be at 2 CER, as a Sqn Comd, before deploying on OP CALUMAT, El Gorah, Egypt. He returned to LFAA HQ as the Area G5 Plans. After several years, he was booted out of country again as the DComd of the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan in 2007. For his stellar and meticulous performance throughout the tour, Maj Madic received a CDS Commendation. He returned to Canada to become the DCmdt of CFSME.
After Staff College in 2010 and completion of an MBA at Cape Breton University, LCol Madic returned to the East Coast as the Area Engr doubled-hatted as the first and last CO of 5 ESU, before the creation of RP Ops. He also became the PMC of the RA/RE Park Officers’ Mess. The combination of positions helped him restore the grounds of Royal Artillery Park and the Cambridge Military Library. His tireless and dedicated work led to an Army Commander Commendation. During this time, he was also privileged to be the CAF lead for Royal tours by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. One of which was the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee tour where, as a result of food poisoning, he stepped-in as the Prince of Wales Equerry for two days. From there, he was posted to Naples, Italy, as the NATO Joint Force Command Chief of Counter IED. On EX TRIDENT JUNCTURE 14, LCol Madic received a Commander’s Commendation for exceptional performance, ability, and perseverance.
After much wine, but little to no whining, and a little regret, LCol Madic was forced back to Canada, lucky enough to return to Halifax to rejoin the Mighty Maroon Machine as the newly created Assistant Chief of Staff Attractions/Recruiting/Retention (A2R). He was then able to stay in his retirement posting as the Div G5. During this time, he was privileged to be the Designated Assistant for Col Roger Cotton and was honoured with a Royal Canadian Armoured Corps Colonel Commandant Commendation. Not finished building his rack of medals, LCol Madic deployed to Georgia on his fourth EX MAPLE ARCH as the Contingent Commander and was presented the Georgian Medal General Mazniashvili by the Georgian Minister of National Defence for unparalleled performance of duty. During this period, he was again PMC of the RA/RE Park Officers’ Mess and also became the first non-Navy PMC of the CFB Halifax Officers’ Mess (The Wardroom) in its long history.
After having served through many pivotal events within the Canadian Army, Chip and his wife Dawn have bought the farm, a family farm in Barnaby River, near Miramichi, NB, and will start a new chapter in their lives. While beavering away at projects around the farm, he intends to fully support Dawn, her work as a Director of Finance at Dalhousie University, and will consider the occasional part time gig when not doing what he can to help their four daughters.