LCol Yvan Martineau, CD
After 42 years and 88 days of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, LCol Yvan Martineau, CD will retire October 1st, 2019. At the request of the member, a private Depart with Dignity ceremony will take place on Friday, 6 September 2019 at the Cercle de la Garnison de Québec, 97 Rue St-Louis, Québec, Qc at 18h30. Attendance will be on invitation only. Anecdotes or retirement wishes may be sent to Capt (N) Denis Thébeau, at, no later than 29 August 2019.
LCol Yvan Martineau was born in St-Jacques de Leeds, QC on Oct 1 st 1959. He joined the CF as a Combat engineer on July 10th 1977.
After graduating from his QL 3 in Chilliwack in 1978, he joined 5 CER. As a Tp member he specialized in combat diving, basic para and other trade specifications. He occupied all the position from Tp member up to Recce sgt.
In 1988, he was posted for the first time at CFSME in Chilliwack as an instructor. After a short stay, he was posted back to 5 CER and employed as Tp WO, Trg WO and Ops WO. During this period, he participated to two UN missions (Bosnia 93-94 and Croatia 95).
Upon his return from his last mission, LCol Martineau is posted back to CFSME in Chwk. In addition, he also participated to the relocation of the latter to Gagetown, N.B. in 1998.
In 1999, he was posted back to 5 CER as an MWO and successfully completed the position of sergeant major for two different Fld Sqn and also Support sqn. He return back to Bosnia in 2001-02 at the Mine Action Coordination Center (MACC) where he supervised the demining of different minefield by the Serb forces. He was commissioned during this mission and promoted to the rank of capt.
Upon his return, he held various positions among the SQFT training center. Summer of 2005, he returned to 5 CER as 58 Command and Service Squadron DCO and OC 55 Support Squadron.
Following his promotion to major, he was posted to CANADACOM in J5 Cell, where he worked on different projects such as the planning of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games and the America’s Defense Ministers Council. He also has a secondary task as CANADACOM representative on the WG for the CIED Forces.
LCol Martineau retired from the Regular Forces in 2008 after more than 31 years of dedicated services. Following his release, he joined the rank of the Primary Reserve with 35 CER as DCO. During a CL B posting to 5 RGC, he occupied the position of unit DCO until summer of 2010 and was also appointed CO of the unit during OP HESTIA. Upon return to 35 CER, he assumed the position of DCO and the command of the unit until 2016. He subsequently held the positions of Staff Officer and Bde DCO until 2018. LCol Martineau is a Liaison Officer with CFLC since and up until his compulsory retirement age release on Oct 1 st 2019.
LCol Martineau with his wife have 5 children, Dominic, Émilie, Jean-François, Audray and Joëlle. They live in Laurierville along the Bécancour River.