LCol Matthew Johnsen, CD

    Originally from London, Ontario, LCol Johnsen joined the CF in 1989 under the Direct Entry Plan. He is a graduate of the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (Industrial Instrumentation) and holds Alberta provincial trades tickets in Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting..

    After transferring to the Military Engineer classification in 1990, LCol Johnsen completed Phase training at CFB Chilliwack. He has a variety of experience in support of deployed and domestic operations. Posted to 4 Wing (Cold Lake) in 1992, he served in the CE section in a variety of positions including Contracts, Engineering, Operations and Requirements. During his tenure at 4 Wing he was deployed to the Golan Heights as the Contingent Engineering Officer, May through Dec 1994.

    In 1996, LCol Johnsen was posted to CFRETS in Borden in the capacity of Validation Analyst. In 1999 he was posted to Egypt serving with the Multinational Force Observers in the role of Project Engineer. From 2000 to 2003, he returned once again to 4 Wing and was employed in the Operations and Requirements roles. In July 2003 he was assigned to 1 Canadian Air Division (1 CAD) working in an engineering operations readiness capacity. During his tenure at the Air Division he once again deployed to Kabul serving with the National Support Element from Aug 2004 to Feb 2005. On promotion to Major in June 2005, he was posted to CFB Esquimalt as the Executive Officer for Base Construction Engineering. Posted to CFB Borden in 2007, he assumed the role of Base Construction Engineering Officer. In 2010 LCol Johnsen returned to 1 Canadian Air Division working in the Combined Air Operations Mission Support cell as the Engineer representative. In 2011, LCol Johnsen returned to Kabul, Afghanistan as the Engineer for the National Command Support Element.

    LCol Johnsen was promoted to his current rank in Jun 2012 and is a graduate of the Advanced Air Operations Course. Upon his departure from the CAF, he plans to return to his former trade, (Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitter) to work part-time in the oil patch in Fort McMurray, AB. When home in Victoria, he plans to surf, when the waves cooperate, and spend quality time with his wife Anna and his two granddaughters.

    Congratulatory messages, anecdotes, photos and farewell wishes to be included in his retirement book can be forwarded to Major Susan Harris ( or call 250-363-2998 before 25 Aug 14.