LCol K.W. Bailey, CD

    LCol K.W. Bailey, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 7 July 2015 after 35 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the CME Branch (please see retirement message attached).

    A lunch is scheduled for Fri 12 June 2015 at 1215hrs at CFAWC (CF Aerospace Warfare Centre) 8 Wing Trenton. Anyone wishing to attend may contact Maj Jim Burton or Capt Thomas Brake NLT 21 May 2015. Congratulatory messages, anecdotes, photos, and farewell wishes can also be forwarded to Maj Burton or Capt Brake.

    After 35 years of loyal and dedicated service, LCol Ken Bailey will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 7 July 2015.

    Ken enrolled at Hamilton in June 1980, and after recruit training attended The Royal Military College of Canada. After completing all engineer phase training in Chilliwack, BC, he was posted to the BCEO organization in Greenwood in February 1985. His service included postings to CFB Borden, 17 Wing Winnipeg, CO of 1 Airfield (now 14 Construction) Engineering Squadron, the United States Civil Engineer Support Agency at Tyndall AFB in Florida, BCEO in Borden, Technical Services Officer in Borden, the CF Aerospace Warfare Centre in Trenton, and finally to Canberra, Australia as an LO at the Royal Australian Air Force's Air Power Development Centre. He also completed a tour in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

    Ken and his wife Marie will reside in St.Thomas, Ontario for the near future. There are no firm plans yet on post-uniformed employment.

    In order to honour Ken's service in the CAF and to wish him well in his retirement, at Ken's request a simple DWD presentation, will be held 1215hrs at CFAWC on Friday, 12 June 2015. Please RSVP to Maj Jim Burton at, or Capt Thomas Brake at by 21 May 15.

    Congratulatory messages, anecdotes or stories can be sent to Maj Jim Burton or Capt Thomas Brake.