LCol Kenneth John Chisholm, CD (Ret’d)
We regret to advise of the death of Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth John Chisholm, CD (Ret’d) on 26 November 2016 at the Waverly Seniors Village in Chilliwack, BC. Ken was a Royal Canadian Engineer Korean War veteran.
Born in Toronto in 1923, Ken earned his Engineering Degree at the University of Toronto. He enrolled in Canadian Army Reserve Force in 1942 and then transferred to the Canadian Army Active Force in May 1945. After the war he joined the Permanent Force with the Royal Canadian Engineers in 1946.
Ken’s first posting was to the Royal Canadian School of Military Engineering (RCSME) Chilliwack, BC followed by a tour at 11 Works Company in Camp Chilliwack in 1952. He was then transferred to 23rd Field Squadron in Chilliwack and and deployed for the Korean War in 1953. He then had a geographical move to Camp Gagetown, NB where he joined 8 Works Company shortly after the new camp had been opened. This tour was followed by his successful completion of the Army Staff Course before he moved to 24 Works Company in Camp Borden, ON in 1961.
Ken had the distinction of holding two appointments as Commanding Officer of the Regular Force Field Squadrons: 1 Field Squadron at Camp Petawawa, ON (1961-62) and 4 Field Squadron in Werl, Germany (1962-64). After these commands he returned to RCSME for a short tour before being assigned to the Command Construction Engineering staff in Headquarters Mobile Command at St Hubert, QC (1966-69). Ken then served at Canadian Forces Headquarters, Ottawa including a tour as Canadian Forces Fire Marshall (1969-72).
Ken retired in 1974 and returned to Chilliwack where he had started his Canadian Military Engineer career. He continued with public service in his second career where he was the British Columbia Inspector of Dykes for ten years and responsible for ensuring flood containment for much of the Lower Mainland District and other areas of British Columbia.
In full retirement Ken maintained his strong commitment to the Engineer Family and was active with the Military Engineers Association of Canada where he served as National Registrar. Ken was also a very active supporter of the Retired Sappers and the Canadian Forces Base Chilliwack Historical Society. His contribution to the Canadian Military Engineers Family was recognized with his being awarded a Canadian Military Engineering Association Commendation.
A celebration of Ken's life will be held on 12 January 2017 at a family home. Ken's friends will be contacted once arrangements have been finalized. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to The Eve Project through Hungry for Life (604-703-0223) or the Alzheimer/Dementia Society. {khDec2016}