LCol James Fera CD, P.Eng

    • Lieutenant Colonel James Fera CD, P.Eng

    A DWD will be held for LCol (ret) James Fera who retired in March of 2016 with over 25 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Engineer Branch.  The ceremony will take place at the RCAF officers mess on 21 May 2019 from 1130-1400 hrs. If you plan on attending please RSVP to LCol Megan Harding via email: Please forward any congratulatory messages, anecdotes, and farewell messages to LCol Harding as well.

    After 25 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Construction Engineering Branch, Lieutenant Colonel James Fera retired from the Regular Force in March 2016. This included postings to Chilliwack, Trenton, Gagetown, Halifax, Bridgewater, and Ottawa. The high points in his career to include CO tour in Bridgewater and deployments to Haiti (OP PIVOT) and Afghanistan (OP ATHENA).

    After graduation from the Royal Military College (RMC) with a Bachelor of Chemical and Materials Engineering Degree in 1994, James completed Airfield Engineer training in Chilliwack, BC. Thereafter, he was posted to Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Trenton Construction Engineering Squadron (CES) where he held the positions of Design officer, Production officer and Operations officer. During this posting, he completed a tour as the Operations officer of the Canadian Airfield Engineering Squadron (CAES) with OP PIVOT, United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH).

    He was then posted to the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering (CFSME), and held positions of Construction Engineering Training Squadron (CETS) Operations Officer, 2I/C CETS, Officer Commanding CETS, and CFSME Operations Officer. In 2005, he was promoted to Major and posted to Maritime Forces Atlantic (MARLANT) Formation Construction Engineering as the Engineering officer.

    Major Fera took command of 14 Construction Engineering Squadron (CES) on 11 July 2007. With an established formed unit opportunity for 14 CES, Major Fera and 16 members of the Squadron deployed with OP ATHENA (TF 1-09) as the preponderance of the Construction Management Organization (CMO) of the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in 2009. Thereafter, James was posted to Ottawa as the Engineer advisor to COS VCDS and was promoted to LCol in November of 2010. NDHQ life brought opportunities in ADM(IE) as a Team Leader of Construction Project management, Quality management, and in Canadian Forces Housing Agency operations.
    James and Kelli have relocated to Nova Scotia upon where they are enjoying family life with their daughters Chloe and Amelia.

    Le Lcol (retraité) James Fera, qui a pris sa retraite en mars 2016, tiendra un DWD après plus de 25 ans de services loyaux et dévoués envers les FAC et la Branche du génie. La cérémonie aura lieu au mess des officiers de l'ARC le 21 mai 2019 de 11h30 à 14h00.  Si vous avez l'intention d’être présent, veuillez le confirmé avec lcol Megan Harding par courriel à l'adresse Veuillez également transmettre vos messages de félicitations, anecdotes et d’adieu au lcol Harding.