LCol Craig Sandiland, CD
LCol Craig Sandiland will retire from the Canadian Forces on 26 June 09, after 35 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers.
LCol Sandiland enrolled in the Canadian Forces ‐ Air Environment ‐ in summer 1974. After graduating RMC with a BSc (Applied), he moved through various positions within the Construction Engineering Sections of Dundurn Sask, Chatham, NB, Cornwallis NS, eventually holding positions of Det, Station and small Base CE Offr at each location, and also doing a 6‐month stint at CFSME as CM Troop Commander, along the way.
Following a year‐long French language course in Valcartier, LCol Sandiland was posted to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), and assigned to be the Liaison Officer in Observer Group Beirut, Lebanon. Upon returning from his UN tour, he was posted to Force Mobile Command (FMC) at St. Hubert, which was followed by an appointment to the position of Wing CE Officer, 4 Wing Cold Lake.
With the completion of the WCEO task, LCol Sandiland was posted to D Mil E, NDHQ, assisting as engr desk offr for several operations. This was followed by a tour as the IM Group Command Engineer, where he oversaw facility management activities at CFS Alert, and then onward as the L1 Engr rep for the Chief of Air Staff, as D Air Prog 3. He now winds up his career as the Star Top Det Commander in CFSU(O).
Craig will retire from the CF on 26 Jun 09, and plans to continue to serve his country as a Reserve Officer for a few more years following a brief summer break. He and his partner, Jennifer Smith, have settled into their new home in Chapel Hill and plan to stay there until their kids all leave the nest.
A Retirement Luncheon and Depart With Dignity ceremony will be held in LCol Sandiland's honour on Tues, June 23rd at the Air Force Officers' Mess, commencing at 1200 hours. The dress for the function is dress of the day, or jacket and tie or female equivalent. Cost for the luncheon will be $10.00 payable at the door. Plse RSVP NLT 15 June to Capt Réna Jared, Star Top Det Log O, Jared Capt RC@CFSU(O) Startop@Ottawa‐Hull, 613‐841‐5584.