LCol Clément Rouleau, CD
LCol Clément Rouleau, CD, will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 01 Aug 2018, after more than 33 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch. In order to honour LCol Rouleau’s service in the CAF and to wish him well in his retirement, a DwD will be held Friday, 20 July 2018 (1000-1200hrs) in Ottawa, ON, CJOC HQ 1600 Star Top N100. Please send all congratulatory messages, anecdotes, photos, farewell messages to Maj Idrees Mohammad. Email:
Born and raised in Quebec City, QC, LCol Rouleau enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces in 1985 and attended both Le Collège Militaire Royal de St-Jean and the Royal Military College in Kingston, graduating with a Bachelor degree in Engineering (Civil). After graduation, and completing military training at the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineer at CFB Chilliwack, he was posted to 4 Wing Baden Soëllingen, Germany in 1991. During that time, he was deployed to Croatia in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia with 4 Combat Engineer Regiment. After the closure of CFB Baden in late 1993, he was transferred to the Construction Engineering Squadron at 12 Wing Shearwater in Nova Scotia where he held the positions of production and requirements officer.
In 1995, LCol Rouleau was posted to the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering where he was employed as an instructor training young officers. In 1999, after a one-year posting as the project engineer with the Multinational Forces and Observers in the Sinaï Peninsula, Egypt, he was transferred to 1 Canadian Air Division Headquarters in Winnipeg. As a staff officer with the A4 Airfield Engineering Directorate, he coordinated the training and readiness of the Airfield Engineering Flights across Canada. After two years in Winnipeg and promoted to the rank of Major, he was appointed the Wing Construction Engineering Officer at 3ième Escadre Bagotville.
In 2004, he was posted to the Canadian Forces Joint Support Group HQ in Kingston where he was employed as Team Leader of a multidisciplinary team responsible for planning theatre activation and closure in support of CF operations. In 2005, he was selected to attend the Command and Staff Course at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto and was posted to 1 Canadian Air Division Headquarters in Winnipeg upon completion of his course. In July 2008, LCol Rouleau assumed command of 1 Engineer Support Unit in Moncton. Upon completion of his command tour in 2010, he was transferred to Ottawa where he worked on the Strategic Joint Staff at NDHQ.
In 2012, LCol Rouleau was posted to Op PROTEUS in Jerusalem on a year-long tour, working with the Office of the United States Security Coordinator on building, training and equipping the Palestinians security forces. The following year, LCol Rouleau was transferred to NATO HQ in Brussels to work on the International Staff. In 2017, LCol Rouleau returned to Ottawa where he was posted to CJOC HQ until his retirement on 1 Aug 18.