LCol Andrew Plater, CD

    Lieutenant-Colonel Plater has served as both an Engineer officer and Artillery Officer in the Canadian Forces. His first regimental posting was with 5e Régiment d’Artillerie Légère du Canada where he served in a wide variety of Regimental posts and deployed to Bosnia as a Forward Air Controller. His second regimental tour came at 4 Engineer Support Regiment as the Adjutant, Officer Commanding (OC) 41 Construction Squadron, and OC 48 Administration Squadron. He has also served at the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering as the OC Field Engineer Training Squadron, and the Deputy Commanding Officer.

    LCol Plater holds Bachelors Degrees in Science (Acadia) and in Chemical Engineering (TUNS), as well as a Masters Degree in Applied Military Science (RMC). He is a graduate of the Land Force Technical Staff Course, the Army Command and Staff Course, and the Canadian Joint Command and Staff Program.

    He is currently serving as the Directorate of Land Requirements as the section head for Mobility, Counter-Mobility and Survivability equipment and will be moving to the civilian workforce as a Research and Development Program Engineer with ADM (S&T) at DSTL within the C-IED domain.