LCol André Desrochers

    • LCol André Desrochers

    LCol André Desrochers will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 10 March 2020 after 33 years of service.  At the members request, no DWD will take place. Please forward any congratulatory messages, anecdotes, and farewell messages to Mr. Pierre Belisle (


    I was born in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, where I joined 9 Fd Engr Squadron in Feb 1987. After completing a counselling degree, I worked as a counsellor with young offenders from 1991 until I transferred to the Regular Force  in Aug 1997. My postings included: 5 RGC, Royal Military College of Canada, 2 CER, Career Manager, MILENGCOE Germany, 34 CER det Rouyn, Career Manager (hoping to get it right the second time...), Army Staff and finally

    The Engineer Branch has provided me with exceptional development and employment opportunities, especially the privilege to command sappers as a troop commander and a total of six years in sub-unit command. During my career I have served with many persons of exception, inside and outside of our Branch and I am better for it. I have enjoyed all my jobs and I am especially grateful for the opportunities to be the Branch’s Career Manager and to culminate my career with an appointment as Director of Land Infrastructure; yes, DLI, not working at or for DLI but as DLI! I was surprised however, of my own interest in a posting back to my home town in 2013; from Munich to Rouyn! Returning to where my military adverture started with was extremely rewarding and more work than I expected. Celebrating the unit’s 75th anniversary with Warrant Officer Eric Fleurant (I owe so much to him), and the excellent sappers of that unit is definitely a highlight in my life.

    I thought I was going to retire in Rouyn but I was surprised with a posting back to the NCR – in the carreer shop – in 2016. Ater the career shop and two years at DLI, I was posted to Director General Defence Security (DGDS) last summer.

    When we relocated to Gatineau, my lovely wife Nancy joined the federal public service and we agreed that we were at destination. I was selected for a public service job right here at DGDS, starting 11 March, which marks an exciting new chapter of my life. My youngest son Ismael is now in 1st year Cegep and William lives close and works in the public service as well.

    Serving in the military, the Army and the Corps truly has been a privilege that I strived to honor throughout my career. This career has allowed me to explore many facets of my potential as well as positively reinforce my inclinations for physical performance and getting punched in the face (I can punch back). I vividly remember asking CO 2 CER, then lcol Alan Mulawyshyn, for permission for my first professional Mixed Martial Arts fight and to which
    he took time to come to me personally to say: “approved... don’t lose”. The rest is history that is all credited to 2 CER.

    I will certainly miss the Corps and my friends but I will always be a Sapper at heart.

    Thank you for the privilege, your friendship and your trust and best wishes to the Branch and all its members

    With sincere appreciation and kind regards, Andre