Hugh G. Reber

    • Hugh G. Reber
    • RCE GVIR Badge
    • Hugh G Reber's Headstone in Pleasant Heights Cemetery Eaglesham, Grande Prairie, AB

    We regret to advise of the death of Hugh G. Reber of Eaglesham AB on 13 September 2000 at the age of 82 years.

    Hugh was born in Lougheed, AB. He was a veteran of the Second World War and served with the Royal Canadian Engineers in Canada, England, and Northwest Europe.  After the war, Hugh worked and remained a bachelor farmer for most of his life.  He married late and helped his wife run the Post Office in Eaglesham.  Hugh was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #235 in Eaglesham.   

    Hugh is buried in Pleasant Heights Cemetery Eaglesham, Grande Prairie, AB.  {dcMar2018gd} [zsd, zpp, zbd]