HLCol Benoit Bouchard
We regret to advise of the death of Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Benoit Bouchard in Quebec City in 2005* at the age of 81.
Benoit was born in Quebec City and graduated from Laval University in Quebec City in 1945 with a Baccalaureate in Administration. He was a Second World War veteran who served from 1940 – 1944 in the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps. Benoit served as Honorary-Colonel of 10ième Escadron du génie de campagne in Quebec City from 1986-1995. In civilian life, he was President of Benoit Bouchard Assurance Inc. Furthermore, Benoit was a member of the Association of Insurance Brokers of Canada and the Province of Quebec. {gdjuin2018dc} [zcc, zsp, zbd]
*exact date unknown