WO Robert Kinch, CD

    • WO Robert Kinch, CD

    Après plus de 43 années de service loyaux et dévoués au sein des FAC et de la Branche du Génie militaire canadien, l'Adj Robert Kinch, CD a pris sa retraite le 26 juillet 2017 (voir bio ci-jointe). Une cérémonie de départ dans la dignité aura lieu le samedi 9 sept 2017 au manège Denison (1 Yukon Lane, Toronto) au mess des Adjs & Sgts de 16h00 à 18h00.  Les participants qui veulent assister doivent avertir le responsable de  la cérémonie, Adj Mike Podesta.  Veuillez faire parvenir vos anecdotes et messages de félicitations à l'Adj Podesta - Michael.Podesta@forces.gc.ca<mailto:Michael.Podesta@forces.gc.ca>

    On 8 March 1974, Robert Guy Kinch (Bob) joined The Toronto Scottish Regiment. It was there that he quickly established himself as the worst shot in the regiment. He was so bad in fact that he challenged himself to learn the advanced techniques of marksmanship. As a result he developed a passion for shooting. It was during this first year that he completed his DP1 Infantry course and started growing a moustache. The reason for this new facial hair, of course, was to save time in the morning prior to inspection. Bob joined the unit rifle team in 1975 and remained a fixture for the next 20 years at the Ontario Rifle Association competitions. It was during this year he also graduated Primary Leadership Qualification course and subsequently promoted to Cpl.

    In 1976 he was promoted to MCpl. He became a section commander in the Infantry where he completed his DP2 Machine Gunner, Mortar, Basic Winter Warfare, Rifle Coach and Infantry Communicator courses. Bob was proud to be the lead scout of the 1976 Brigade Patrolling Competition and he led his team to victory. On behalf of the team he received the Fairchild Cup.

    The following year, Bob was tasked to lead the patrolling stand for the competition. Also, that year during Ex Georgian Strike 2, he was the Bridge Demolition Guard Comd. It was during this task that he was first exposed to C4 and he wanted more. So in 1983, he joined the then named 2 FER known now as 32 CER as a MCpl. While at his new unit in 1995 under his SQN OC, Nigel Spink (LCol retired), and his Troop Comd, Brad Chin (LCol retired), the unit made a
    real effort to make a rifle team work. Bob won a position on the Canadian Armed Forces Small Arms Competition for the first time. He was committed to his team and showed this by attending a seminar about the mental aspect of marksmanship, which would change the way he would shoot and lived. Notable among his achievements were many competition wins including the 300 and 500 meter rapid shoot, three times awarded Canadian Forces Elite 50 and
    twice awarded 2nd place for the Queens Medal competition. Bob coached the 32 CBG team, and the 4 Div Reserve Team in 2015.

    Bob has filled various positions with 32 CER such as Section Commander and Troop Warrant. He has also instructed on the BMQ, PLQ, CAP(r) and DP3A courses at CFSME in Gagetown New Brunswick. Additionally, he taught explosive threat hazard recognition to outside units including troops deploying to Afghanistan. In 2011, he was selected as the Top NCO of 32 CER and was subsequently promoted to the rank of WO in 2014.

    Bob has deployed on several domestic operations. He deployed to the Montreal Olympics in 1976 as a guard for the 1st Canadian Sigs Regiment. He was section 2I/C during the Ice Storm in Toronto and as recently as this spring on OP LENTUS in Montreal for flood relief. He showcased strong leadership and trade knowledge as he built sandbag dikes, established a captive ferry and assisted in the construction of an Acrow bridge. His last major exercise in 2016
    was Stalwart Guardian, where he was employed as a Troop Warrant within 23 Fd Sqn (LAV’s). At 32CER, Bob was the 2 Tp WO. He has been the Range Safety Officer on multiple PWT 3 Rifle ranges, PWT 1 Shotgun, C6 and C9 Familiarization ranges. He also participated in live pairs fire and movement ranges. Bob, being forever dedicated to his shooting, made time on Saturdays to run the SAT range for prospective rifle team members within 32 CER.

    Bob takes great pride in the accomplishments of his troops. In his last few months of service, members of his troop were awarded Top Candidate, Esprit de Corps, Top Sapper, and Top Section awards. Additionally, he was very pleased to finally promote MCpl Morgan. Bob is retiring from the CAF after 43 honourable years and will be missed. He will take the time to care for his lovely common-law wife Margaret, he has four adult children and one grandchild. Bob has been working at Air Canada for 29 years, and has no plan of retiring from them.