WO Darren Datchko, CD

    WO Darren Datchko joined the Canadian Forces on October 5th 1988 in Regina Saskatchewan. After Basic Recruit School in CFB Cornwallis it was off to St. Jean Quebec for some French training until CFFA was ready for his course in June of 1989. Upon graduating his TQ3 course in Borden, Pte Datchko was posted to CFB Portage la Prairie Manitoba, where he spent the next three years training until the base closed. After Base closure it was time to move to Comox British Columbia for the next 6 years during which he did a tour in Haiti with the UN and several deployments as a trade’s helper to the USA. From Comox he was posted to HMCS Winnipeg and for three year sailed the Pacific Ocean with many ports of call and a tour of the Persian Gulf. From HMCS Winnipeg it was off to CFB Winnipeg for 4 years during which he deployed to Afghanistan and Alert. After CFB Winnipeg the call of the Ocean once again made itself heard and he was Posted to HMCS Regina. A busy 3 years of sailing commenced with 2 tours to Asia and 1 tour to South America with plenty of small trips in between to keep busy. After his time at sea was done He was posted to CFB/ASU Edmonton to become the Platoon Chief for Orange Crew. After 22+ years of service to the CF, WO Datchko has decided to enter the Civilian world after accepting a position with Alberta Health Services.