Sgt Raymond Euper, CD

    • Sgt Ray Euper, CD

    Sgt Ray Euper, CD prendra sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes le 23 février 2018 après plus de 18 années de loyaux services au sein des FAC et de la Branche du GMC (voir la biographie jointe).  Une cérémonie de départ dans la dignité aura lieu à la Wahoo Bar & Grill, 39 Dundas St East, Trenton, ON  le 12 janvier 2018 à 13h00.  La réception repas sera disponible (prix approx de 20.00$ par personne).  Aux fins de planification, veuillez confirmer votre présence auprès du coordonnateur du dîner de départ, Sgt Rick Stanutz avant le 21 décembre 2017.  Veuillez acheminer vos messages de félicitations ou anecdotes au Sgt Rick Stanutz a la avant le 8 janvier 2018.

    Ray was born in Burnaby BC; the oldest of four children. Following the completion of high school Ray got married and started his family; having two sons, Anthony and Micheal. He worked in various fields such as; the Logging and Fishing industry and as a groundskeeper for a nearby Air Force golf course. As this was not necessarily his forte, Ray decided to return to school with the intent to work in the industrial electrical trade. Following a year of preparation he entered the trade working toward the completion of a 4 year apprenticeship program. During this time he saw his next opportunity and joined a construction business as a full partner. His company started out building single family dwellings then progressed into multiple family dwellings, hotels/motels and industrial/commercial buildings. With the decline of the building industry, his first marriage and diminishing funds Ray decided to pursue a new career path.

    As his father was in the Air Force during the 50s and 60s he followed suit and in February 1997 joined the CAF as a Naval Combat Intel Operator (NCI OP) or what he lovingly refers to as a Scope Dope. After completing his basic training in St-Jean QC he was posted to Esquimalt to commence on job training. During his time in Esquimalt, for personal reasons, he attempted to occupationally transfer, however due to availability of desirable trades made the decision to release in October of 1997. After his release Ray moved to Vancouver BC and established yet another construction business. In early 1998, with a strong desire to remain part of the CAF he joined the Air Reserve flight in Abbotsford BC as a Structures Technician.

    While with the Abbotsford Flt he successfully completed the Carpentry Red Seal Exam and in late November 2000, as a fully qualified Carpenter, Ray received his first deployment to OP DANACA (Golan Heights). On completion of this tour he saw the light and re-enrolled in the CAF and took his first posting to 74 Const Tp in beautiful Gagetown. Arriving in NB only one week before the 9/11 attacks in New York he was put directly on standby to deploy in aid to civil airports on the east coast.

    Having a few years of army time under his belt it was time for a posting to the air environment and it just so happened that Cold Lake AB had a vacant positon. In 2005 Ray moved to Cold Lake and remained for 6 years; being employed in various capacities such as; Carpenter Shop IC and Contracts Inspector. In Dec 07 Ray received his second overseas deployment to Dubai, which he quite enjoyed, however ultimately led to his second divorce. Returning to Cold Lake in the spring of 2008, Ray was appointed as Tp WO and deployed domestically in support of the 2010 Olympics; setting up and maintaining multiple camps in locations such as, Whistler, Abbotsford and the Vancouver Airport. In 2010 Ray married his 3rd wife and further posted in 2011 to 81 Const Engineering Flight in Trenton, ON.

    While with 81 CEF he was quickly tasked with the MSE and sent back to Cold Lake for training on the set up and operation of the CBRN Collective Protection suite. Sept 2013 saw him deploy again to Kabul, Afghanistan. Although he thoroughly enjoyed his time in Kabul, he could not stay there forever and returned to 81 CEF for a short while before heading off to Gagetown for his QL6B training.

    As Ray is coming up on his CRA he unfortunately has to hang up his beret, however plans to continue working in some capacity and if all the stars align he and his service spouse Diane, will find themselves posted out of country this upcoming APS.
