Sgt Patrick Brunelle, CD
Cérémonie de départ dans la dignité pur Sgt Patrick Brunelle, CD
Après plus de 23+ ans de bons et loyaux services au sein des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) et la Branche du Génie militaire canadien, le Sgt Patrick Brunelle, CD (veuillez voir la bio ci-jointe), prendra sa retraite le 21 août 2017. Une cérémonie de départ dans la dignité aura lieu le 21 août 2017 à 13h00 au bâtiment J10 (L'École du Génie Militaire des Forces Canadiennes à la Base de soutien de la 5e Division du Canada. Les participants sont priés d'informer le BPR de leur participation avant le 21 juillet 2017. Les anecdotes ou souhaits de retraite peuvent être envoyés au BPR par courriel.
BPR : Adj Michael Regier, courriel<> ou par téléphone au 506-422-2000 ext 2384.
Sgt Pat Brunelle was born in Toronto, Ontario. Sgt Brunelle enrolled into the Canadian Forces in Toronto, Ont as 041 Field Engineer 17 Oct 1994.
In Dec 1994, on completing basic training in St Jean, he was posted to CFB Chilliwack, BC. In May 1995, he completed his basic trade qualification training. He was then posted to 1 Combat Engineer Regiment in CFB Chilliwack, where he served with 2 Troop.
In 1996, with the closure of CFB Chilliwack, he helped move 1 CER to CFB Edmonton. While serving in 1 CER, he was employed in all four field troops and RHQ.While serving with 1 CER, Sgt Brunelle deployed to Bosnia (OP PALLADIUM SFOR) in 1997/1998, as a field section member with 2 Troop with the LDSH Battle Group. In 2000 he deployed to Bosnia, as the Liaison Officer’s driver and once again in 2002/2003 as a sect 3ic with 4 Troop with the 1st Battalion, PPCLI Battle Group. In 2005/2006 he deployed to Kandahar Afghanistan (OP ARCHER) as an IEDD Op with the 3rd Battalion, PPCLI Battle Group who were responsible for taking over the PRT AOR from the Americans. And again in 2009/2010 to Afghanistan as an IEDD Op Det Comd with the 1st Battalion, PPCLI Battle Group.
In 2010, Sgt Brunelle was posted the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering, where he was employed within the Field Engineering Training Squadron as an instructor for DP3 and DP2.With the re-org of the School into the Cells, he helped stand up the Bridging cell where he would instruct all bridging to DP1, 2 and 3 and the BEOC courses. Eventually, he took over as the CI for the Advanced Bridging Course. As part of the Bridging Cell he had the opportunity to travel to Yellowknife to learn from Nuna Logistics on Ice Road/runway construction IOT re-establish that core training. He continued his training at CFB Winnipeg with a German Professor specialising in ice roads and airstrip construction. In 2013 he moved to the EOD Sqn as an IEDD Op instructor where he would teach on the IEDD Assistant Course, IEDD Operator Course and any Recertification Courses. In 2015 he took over EOD Standards within STDS Cell where he is responsible for all IEDD courses, CMD, and Basic Demolition.
Upon release, Sgt Brunelle will be attending NBCC taking Civil Engineer Technician: Building Structures.
Sgt Brunelle and his wife Florence, have two children: Alexander, who is currently on his DP1 for AVS and Liam who is currently a senior at FHS.