MWO/Adjum S.J. Kearsley, CD
Adjum Steven J. Kearsley, CD prendra sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes le 24 mar 2015 après plus de 34 années de loyaux et dévoués services au sein des FAC et de la Branche du GMC (voir bio ci-jointe). Une cérémonie de départ aura lieu le 16 Mars 2015 au Jim's Restaurant de 12h00 à 14h00. Veuillez confirmer votre présence au Capt William Hallett
avant le 11 mars 2015. Les messages de félicitations, anecdotes et salutations peuvent être transmis au Capt Hallett avant le 11 mars. MWO Steven Kearsley joined the CF as an Artilleryman in 1980. In Feb 1981 he completed recruit school at CFB Cornwallis and received his first posting to CFB Gagetown. In June of 1985 Gunner Kearsley realized that he wanted to be an electrician and re-mustered to the Construction Engineers as an Ed Tech. Kearsley completed his Ed Tech apprenticeship program at CFB Chilliwack and was then posted to CFB Calgary. For the next five years Cpl S.J. Kearsley was tasked to RV 87, RV 89, CFB Suffield with 1 SVC Bn and CFS Alert and was able to aquire his provincial journeyman certification. His next posting, from 1990 to 1993, Kearsley would be posted to 5 Wg Goose Bay where he honed his electrical skills. In 1993 Steven was posted to 14 Wg Greenwood for six years. Kearsley acquired many opportunities during this posting including being part of the newly developed unit 141 Air Engineer flight (AEF), taken part of UNSMIH in Haiti and UNDOF in the Golan Heights and UNPROFOR ex Yugoslavia. While tasked to Golan Heights Cpl Kearsley was posted to 4ESR in Gagetown. Steven was promoted to MCpl in December 2000 and was tasked to OP ECLIPSE in Africa as the electrical section 2 I/C in the engineer surge and later accepted the electrical section commander position when asked. In June 2002 Kearsley was promoted to Sergeant and became the Electrical Section Commander at 4ESR. In December 2002 Sgt Kearsley started his ED supervisor course (6A) and was subsequently tasked to CFSME as an incremental staff instructor in March 2004. As a result of his efforts with 4ESR and as an instructor Kearsley was transferred to CFSME within the Centre of Excellence. On 01 July 2005 Sgt Kearsley was promoted to WO and the ED cell supervisor. In 2006, while posted with CFSME, WO Kearsley completed his ILQ and Construction Engineer Superintendent Course (6B) and upon successful completion joined the Construction Airfield Engineer Cell. On 2 July 2008 Kearsley was promoted to MWO and posted to CFB Halifax where for the next seven years he would continue his service in multiple positions including NCT MWO, Deputy of Auxiliary systems, Plant Ops O and Production MWO. At the end of January 2005 MWO Kearsley received an offer for his house that he could not refuse and opted to depart from the CF after more than 34 years of service. MWO Kearsley plans to move to Oromocto, NB with his wife Nova so he can spend time with his daughter’s family especially his grand puppies. Steve also plans to do wood working and golfing in the summer and travelling to the southern states in the winter. Regardless of the time of year you will always see Kearsley supporting his favourite team the Chicago Blackhawks.