MWO/éAdjum S.B. Laforge, MMM, CD
Adjum S.B. Laforge, MMM, CD prendra sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes après plus de 22 années de loyaux et dévoués services au sein des Forces armées canadiennes et de la Branche du Génie militaire canadien (voir bio & photo ci-jointes). Une cérémonie de départ aura lieu le 24 avril 2015 (14h00) au Mess des Sgts & Adjs de la BFC Edmonton (salle Atrium). Les messages de félicitations, anecdotes et salutations peuvent être transmis à l’Adj Tremblay téléphone 780-973-4011 local 3474 ou Fax at 780-973-1600.
MWO Laforge enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces in March of 1993, as a reservist, in 8 Fd Engr Regt, Edmonton AB and during that time completed a tour in Bosnia with 1 CER. After a component transfer to the Regular Force in the spring of 1995, he was sent to Chilliwack, BC where he completed his QL3 at CFSME then was posted next door to 1 CER.
After announcing the closure of the base in Chilliwack he was posted to CFB Edmonton, and in the fall of that same year attended the Combat Diver course 9601 followed shortly thereafter with his jump course. From 1996 to 2005 he spent all his time in 12 Field Squadron were he deployed to Bosnia for the second time with the 3rd Patricia Battle Group. After the event of 9/11 he deployed to Kandahar airfield in Feb of 2002 in support to Op Enduring Freedom as part of Operation Apollo as a section 2IC for EOD section. Promoted to Sgt in 2003 he fulfilled the position of Section Commander within Jump troop. In 2005 he was posted to CFSME as an instructor for 3 years were he had the chance to develop and implement the engineer version of the UOI training package for both the Officer and NCM. Upon promotion to Warrant Officer in 2008 he was posted back to 1 CER just in time to join workup training with the 2R22R BG TF 1-09 and later deployed to Kandahar Afghanistan as the Armoured Composite troop Warrant Officer. Promoted to MWO in March 2012 he found himself for the first time in 11 Fd Sqn as the SSM and will be retiring as the 11 Fd Sqn SSM.
MWO Laforge completed tours in Bosnia (2), Afghanistan (2) and aid to civil power in Winnipeg (2), Montreal and most recently Calgary. MWO Laforge was also awarded the CDS Commendation and a Commander’s Commendations. In November 2014, MWO Laforge was appointed as a member of the Order of Military Merit.
MWO Laforge is married to Tracy who over the last 13 years as always provided him with great support through thick and thin most memorably in 2004 over 9 exercises and bed rest while pregnant. They have two incredible children, Hannah (10) and Nathan (8). He will remain in St.Albert, AB.