MWO S.W. (Steve) Wrathall, CD

    • MWO Steve Wrathall

    Adjum S.W. Wrathall, CD prendra sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes le 16 avril 2015 après plus de 31 années de loyaux et dévoués services au sein des Forces armées canadiennes et de la Branche du Génie militaire canadien (voir bio ci-jointe - anglais seulement). Une cérémonie de départ aura lieu le lundi 09 mars 2015 (15h00) au salon du personnel de l'école du Génie militaire des FC à Gagetown. Les messages de félicitations, anecdotes, photos et salutations peuvent être transmis à l'Adjum KL Smith

    MWO Steve Wrathall was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia and is the oldest of 4 children. He completed his education then he enrolled in the military on July 4th 1983, which started his career in the Royal Canadian Engineers.

    MWO Wrathall was posted to 22 Field Squadron at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Gagetown where he was deployed to OKA, Croatia, for Op Harmony and Bosnia. In 1994, he was sent to RWANDA as a Sect 2IC and upon his return, he was posted to the Armoured Engineers at 4 ESR until 1996, where he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant with a posting to 2 Combat Engineer Regiment (2 CER), CFB Petawawa, as a Section Commander.

    While in 2 CER, MWO Wrathall received his Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) training in Indianhead, Washington, USA, then in 1997 after attending the Winnipeg Floods, he complete the Chemical and Biological Ammunition EOD course in England.

    Employing these EOD qualifications in Bosnia in 1998 and then again in KOSOVO in 1999, where Steve was promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer. After KOSOVO, he was posted as Regular Support Staff (RSS) to 45 Field Engineer Squadron in Sydney NS, where he remained for 5 years due to a serious car accident.

    In 2005, Steve was reposted to 2 CER, and deployed immediately as the Squadron Quarter Master (SQ) for the Squadron (Sqn) deploying to Kabul, Afghanistan. He remained there to oversee the closeout of Camp Maple Leaf in Kabul and partake in the transportation movement from Kabul to Kandahar in 05-06 and for the set-up of Kandahar Air Field (KAF). From there he was dispatched to OP ATHENA working with the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Kandahar City in an Ops capacity.

    MWO Wrathall returned again to the Kandahar province as the Counter-IED Squadron Sergeant Major (SSM) on Task Force 3-08 from Aug 08 to May 09. After that tour, he was posted to the Peace Support Training Center (PSTC) in CFB Kingston as the SSM Alfa-Sqn, which conducts all the military, police and government courses prior to their deployments.

    On 07 Aug 2012, Steve attended a yearlong French course in CFB Kingston which he confesses was the most difficult course of his career. MWO Wrathall was then transferred to the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineers (CFSME) in CTC Gagetown as the Field Engineer Training Sqn Sgt-Major (FETS-SSM) and as the Senior Master Warrant Officer of the Royal Canadian Engineers. This is his last posting before retirement.

    Steve is a father of 2 grown children; Carly Wrathall (26) is currently completing her Master's Degree in Environmental Sciences at St. Mary's University in Halifax NS. Charles Wrathall (24) completed his schooling and is a certified carpenter. MWO Wrathall's retirement plan is to move back to Mattawa, Ontario with his wife Jill and her two sons, Roch (14yrs) and Zach (8yrs). After 6 years of separation, he plans on becoming a full time husband and Mr. Mom to make up for the time he has lost. Fishing, riding his motorcycle throughout northern Ontario, camping and golfing with his family will take up his leisure time...once he has completed all the items on his "Honey do" list!

    In order to honour Steve’s service in the CAF and to wish him well in his new life, at Steve’s request a small gathering at CFSME Staff Lounge at 1500 hrs on Monday, 09 March 2015. MWO Wrathall will be retirement leave starting 14th of March until his retirement date 16 April 2015. Any congratulatory messages or stores can be sent to MWO Karl Smith at: Smith MWO KL@CFSME@Gagetown
