Maj T.C. Webb, CD

    Maj T.C. (Trevor) Webb, CD prendra sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes le 26 fév 2015 après 27+ années de loyaux et dévoués services au sein des Forces armées canadiennes et de la Branche du Génie militaire canadien comme officier et membre des rangs (voir bio ci-jointe - anglais seulement). Une dîner style buffet aura lieu le 26 fév 2015 (13h00-15h00) au Mess des Officiers (Normandy) à Petawawa (Prix: 10$ par personne; Tenue: décontractée pour tous les rangs). Les personnes intéressées à y assister sont priées de communiquer avec le Maj Jo Hardwick avant vendredi le 13 fév. Les messages de félicitations, anecdotes, photos et salutations peuvent également être transmis au Maj Hardwick.


    Trevor enrolled in April 1987 as a Sapper and after QL3 training was posted briefly to 22 Fd Sqn where he immediately volunteered for a posting to 4 CER in Lahr Germany. He served with 1 Tp (Tramps) for the entire three years where he was eventually promoted to Cpl and sent on his Combat Diver course. The sad eventuality was that Lahr was closing out and the word came down that 4 CER was looking at potential early re-pats to Canada of up to one year before their four year term was complete. An eager Cpl Webb marched into his Tp WO’s office and said, “I will go back early if you can guarantee me 2 CER – I want to be a jumper!” The befuddled WO said, “Webb…you want Petawawa, ha!….start packing!”

    2 CER was full of adventure as the young Cpl was deployed to Kuwait and Croatia, led sections, assisted with the Red River Floods in Winnipeg and the Ice Storm in Ontario; but no jump course for this guy. Not even after being awarded Special Service Force Top Soldier of the Year and the Gen Robert T. Frederick award was a jump course offered to the aspiring MCpl. Finally, seeking a challenge he applied for selection with JTF 2 and although passed and was course loaded for the assaulter course he turned it down in order to calm his active lifestyle with four young children. Later that same year he was offered his commission through LCol McLeod in the CFR program where he readily accepted. Despite a vehement disagreement with the BPSO and actually chopping her hand while cutting away a salute vice shaking her hand, he was selected to be an Engineer Officer; no doubt through the weight of LCol McLeod trumping a scathing BPSO review of the young Sgt Webb.

    Capt Webb moved to 1 CER Edmonton where he commanded Armoured Tp and then revisited his aspiration to be part of the Special Operations community. With the support of LCol (at the time) Noonan and a promise to return to the conventional Engineers one day, he went off to re-do selection as an officer this time and again somehow managed to pass. On completion of the Special Operations Assaulter Course he commanded two troops and then kept his promise to return to the Engineers. He returned as the Adjt at 1 CER where he was promoted despite lacking a degree and second language and was blessed with command of 14 Fd Sqn. Due to a fortuitous chain of events Maj Webb was moved to 11 Fd Sqn for a rotation in Afghanistan in 2006.

    Shortly after returning from combat he was offered Sqn Command back at JTF 2 where LCol (at the time) M. Day gave him the opportunity to command Recce Sqn. Finally, Maj Webb got his para qualification! He re-deployed as the Deputy Task Force Commander with CANSOFCOM to Afghanistan and on return moved back to 2 CER to be the DCO.

    Being a DCO with the CO, LCol (at the time) Middleton and RSM, CWO (Ret) Steve Madore was so invigorating that he stayed on for three fantastic years. On closing out it was an easy choice of second language training or DCO at JTF 2 so the aging Maj was back enjoying his time at “the hill.”

    This is where the happy soldiering story ends unfortunately. After a physical injury and finally succumbing to the pressures of PTSD, Maj Webb had to make the decision to step away from his CANSOF passion. He was posted to IPSC and subsequently released from the CAF but not before being looked after in a first class manner and receiving an abundance of support from the medical system, SISIP and VAC.

    What does a broken old Major do when he is finally told to “stand down”? Trevor has moved on to security consulting with another former CANSOF and CHIMO brother with a view to continuing to support Canada’s security apparatus from the civilian side. He dabbles in hydrographics, not hydroponics just to be clear, and is looking forward to the next chapter where his attention is turned to focus on his devoted wife of twenty-three years. Trevor is acutely aware that without her unconditional love and support over a fast paced career, none of his successes would have been possible or realized. His four children Janine, Jessica, Clayton and Emily have been a tremendous source of energy and inspiration to motivate Trevor through challenges and he is sincerely grateful for their commitment and understanding of being a child of an “army guy.” Trevor and Nancy will likely take time to consider options before pushing out of Petawawa and enjoying the semi-retirement lifestyle they are looking forward to.