Capt Joe Reichert, CD (Ret’d)

    • Capt Joe Reichert (Ret’d)
    • RCE Badge EIIR
    • Capt Joe Reichert, CD (Ret’d)

    We regret to advise of the death of Captain Joe Reichert, CD on 16 March 2012 in the presence of his family at his home.

    Joe was born in 1934 in Macklin, SK and was home-schooled by his mother. He finished his education at Castor, SK and Red Deer, AB and then attended the University of Alberta, through ROTP. He was commissioned into the Royal Canadian Engineers and, early in his career, he was posted to England on the British Army’s Long Survey program. Joe was posted to the Army Survey Establishment upon completion of this training and remained with ASE for five years. Joe was an accomplished Arctic mapper and surveyor. He was 2IC of the 1961 Arctic Operation and lead the 1962 Arctic operation. During this ASE tour he was also assigned to the UNTSO Palestine operation in 1962/1963 to survey and mark the Syria-Israel border - respectfully regarded as the "Reichert Line" by his surveyor colleagues.

    Joe attended Queen’s University to complete an MBA and became a Professor at the Royal Military College, then moved to British Columbia to teach at Simon Fraser University. He finally migrated to Calgary, AB in 1968 and worked as a Senior Programmer for many years with Petro-Canada. In later years he was a businessman experiencing a number of avenues and finished with a 16-year journey in the dry cleaning business retiring at 75.

    At Joe’s request there will be no funeral, however, he encourages all to visit him at the Sacred Heart Columbarium, located at 1307 - 14 Street SW Calgary, AB. In lieu of flowers, please direct your generosity to a charity of your choosing. In living memory of Joe Reichert, a tree will be planted at Fish Creek Provincial Park.