Maj Raoul Tremblay, CD
Après plus de 35 ans de service dévoué au sein des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC), le Maj R.J.L. (Raoul) Tremblay, CD prendra sa retraite le 23 septembre 2020. En raison des limitations dues au coronavirus, le Maj Tremblay a choisi de ne pas avoir de DWD. Au lieu de cela, une cérémonie informelle a été organisée le 9 juillet 2020 au SHAPE pour honorer sa carrière avec sa famille. BPR: LCol David Burbridge, David.BURBRIDGE@shape.nato.
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Maj Tremblay joined the CAF in June 1984 as an Infantry soldier and received his first posting with 1R22R in Lahr, Germany. He proudly served in this NATO role during the Cold War period when the CAF had a significant operational footprint in Europe. Later in his career, he obtained a bachelor's degree in science and completed his training as an RCAF Construction Engineer officer. His current passion for the Construction Engineer trade has been the most rewarding and passionate work experience of his career.
Maj Tremblay’s unique skill set allowed him to succeed in a range of infrastructure projects across Canada and abroad. His deployment to Afghanistan for a 10-month tour was a memorable and impactful life experience. Following his deployment, in the summer of 2016, he was appointed as Project Director for the development of several major Air Force capital infrastructure projects.
He is presently completing his military career with NATO in Mons, Belgium as a MILENG officer within the nascent Standing Joint Logistic Support Group (SJLSG) HQ. His final infrastructure project in uniform will be the delivery of the new SJLSG HQ in Ulm, Germany. Time flew by throughout his career and he is extremely grateful for the support and encouragement he received from his parents, his wife Asmae, and his son Sami. Maj Tremblay will retire in the Ottawa region and continue to pursue his passion for infrastructure as a federal public servant starting in September 2020.
As a result of limitations due to coronavirus, Maj Tremblay has chosen not to have a DWD. Instead, an informal ceremony has been organized for 9 July 2020 at SHAPE to honour his career alongside his family.