Dernière sonnerie

Notre fonction Dernière sonnerie vise à informer nos collègues du décès d'un camarade et à publier un bref résumé de sa carrière et de ses réalisations pour honorer ceux qui ont servi notre pays et sont décédés après le 1er janvier 2000. Alors que nous recevons des nouvelles du décès d'un membre de la famille CME, nous publions une nécrologie accompagnée des détails des funérailles et des souhaits de la famille. Nous avons fait de notre mieux pour garantir l'exhaustivité de ces informations, en mettant l'accent sur les états de service et les réalisations notables de chaque personne.

Se il ya des erreurs ou des omissions se il vous plaît aviser le Webmaster d'AGMC dès que possible avec l'information appropriée.

Vous pouvez faire une analyse rapide de nos mentions figurant par année de décès en cliquant ici.

Displaying 2551 - 2560 of 2684

  • RCE Badge circa 1937 - 1952
    Deceased: 17 Jan 2002

    We regret to advise of the death of William Camber Norris "Cam" Hill, RCE (Ret'd) on 17 Jan 2002 at the age of 80.

    Born in Vancouver, Cam underwent training with the Royal Canadian Engineers at A6 Canadian Engineer Training...

  • CME Badge
    Deceased: 10 Jan 2002

    We regret to advise that Sergeant Ronald Roberts passed away from a heart attack on 10 January 2002.

    Ron Roberts spent most of his career in the Royal Canadian Engineer Field Squadrons; Chilliwack in 1957, then Camp Gagetown...

  • RCE GVIR badge
    Deceased: 09 Jan 2002

    We regret to advise of the death of John E. Elves in Victoria BC on 9 January 2002. 

    John was a veteran of the Second World War who served with the Royal Canadian Engineers.  He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion in...

  • CME Badge
    Deceased: 07 Jan 2002

    We regret to advise of the death of Sergeant Bob Castle (Ret'd) on 7 January 2002.

    Bob was originally a member of the Lord Strathcona's Horse but joined the Canadian Military Engineers in Calgary in 1980 when he remustered to...

  • RCE Badge circa 1937 - 1952
    Deceased: 07 Jan 2002

    We regret to advise of the death of Eric Watson Andrews on 7 January 2002 at the age of 84.

    Eric was a Second World War Royal Canadian Engineer veteran.

    Eric's funeral was held on 11 January at Newcastle Bridge, NB. In...

  • BGen E. H. "Ted" Webb, DSO, MiD, CD (Ret'd)
    Deceased: 06 Jan 2002

    We regret to advise that Brigadier General Edward Howard "Ted" Webb, DSO, MiD,CD passed peacefully at home on 6 January 2002, at the age of 88 years.

    Brigadier Webb was born in Simcoe ON. He started his military career with the...

  • RCE GVIR Badge
    Deceased: 05 Jan 2002

    We regret to advise of the death of Sapper Edgar J Giberson (Ret'd) of Plaster Rock NB on 5 January 2002 at the age of 90 years.

    Edgar was a Royal Canadian Engineers veteran of the Second World War.

    Visitation was at the...

  • CME Badge
    Deceased: 24 Dec 2001

    We regret to advise of the death of George Jerome Doucette in Halifax on 24 December 2001 at the age of 85.

    George was a veteran of the Second World War, serving overseas with the Royal Canadian Engineers and taking part in the D...

  • Harold W Ball from UBC yearbook
    Deceased: 17 Dec 2001

    We regret to advise of the death of Major Harold William Ball, MBE, CD (Ret'd) of Santa Barbara CA on 17 December 2001 at the age of 82 years.

    Harold was born in Consort, AB to an American father and an English mother. In 1927,...

  • RCE GVIR Badge
    Deceased: 11 Dec 2001

    We regret to advise of the death of Robert Perry Hetherington of Cody NB on 11 December 2001 at the age of 87 years.

    Robert was born in Sussex NB. He was a veteran of the Second World War and served in the 11th Field...


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