Dernière sonnerie

Notre fonction Dernière sonnerie vise à informer nos collègues du décès d'un camarade et à publier un bref résumé de sa carrière et de ses réalisations pour honorer ceux qui ont servi notre pays et sont décédés après le 1er janvier 2000. Alors que nous recevons des nouvelles du décès d'un membre de la famille CME, nous publions une nécrologie accompagnée des détails des funérailles et des souhaits de la famille. Nous avons fait de notre mieux pour garantir l'exhaustivité de ces informations, en mettant l'accent sur les états de service et les réalisations notables de chaque personne.

Se il ya des erreurs ou des omissions se il vous plaît aviser le Webmaster d'AGMC dès que possible avec l'information appropriée.

Vous pouvez faire une analyse rapide de nos mentions figurant par année de décès en cliquant ici.

Displaying 151 - 160 of 2684

  • Spr J. Gordon Grant (Ret'd)
    Deceased: 20 Mar 2023

    We regret to advise of the death of Sapper J. Gordon Grant (Ret'd), peacefully on 20 March 2023 at the age of 91, at the Ottawa Hospital.

    Born in Ottawa ON, Gordon was a member of his hometown Militia unit 3rd Field...

  • Sgt Gordon Daniel "Dan" Schurman, CD (Ret’d)
    Deceased: 10 Mar 2023

    We regret to advise of the death of Sergeant Gordon Daniel "Dan" Schurman, CD (Ret’d) of Summerside PE at the Wedgewood Manor in Summerside on 10 March 2023 at age 81 years.


  • MWO  Laurie Sherwood Brown, CD (Ret’d)
    Deceased: 03 Mar 2023

    We regret to advise of the death of Master Warrant Officer Laurie Sherwood Brown, CD (Ret’d) on 3 March 2023 at his home on Grand Manan NB at the age of 71 years.

    Grand Manan was Laurie’s hometown and he completed Grand Manan...

  • Corporal George “Sonny” Moore (Ret’d)
    Deceased: 28 Feb 2023

    We regret to advise of the death of Corporal George “Sonny” Moore (Ret’d), a resident of Meadowview Villa in Lambton ON on 28 February 2023 in his 90th year. 

    Sonny enlisted in the Royal Canadian Engineers in 1956 at...

  • Capt Barry Young, CD (Ret’d)
    Deceased: 26 Feb 2023

    We regret to advise of the death of Captain Barry Young, CD (Ret’d), a resident of the Timberstone Mews senior's retirement community in Red Deer AB on 26 February 2023 at age 87.

    Barry was born in Cape Breton NS and demonstrated...

  • WO II George Fouchard, CD (Ret’d)
    Deceased: 10 Feb 2023

    We regret to advise of the death of Warrant Officer Class II George Fouchard, CD (Ret’d) in Ottawa on 10 February 2023 at age 101. George was a veteran of the Second World War.

    George enlisted in Ottawa with the Cameron...

  • Capt Bernard “Bernie/Scotty” Connelly, CD (Ret’d)
    Deceased: 08 Feb 2023

    We regret to advise of the death of Captain Bernard “Bernie/Scotty” Connelly, CD (Ret’d) on 8 Feb 2023, peacefully after a short illness, at age 89. Bernie served as a Mapper with the Canadian Military Engineers for 31 years.


  • Spr Herbert John ''Jack'' Hides (Ret'd)
    Deceased: 03 Feb 2023

    We regret to advise of the death of Sapper Herbert John ''Jack'' Hides (Ret'd) of Calgary at the South Health Campus on 3 February 2023 at the age of 92 with his loving wife of 66 years, Ruby, and family nearby.

    Jack was a gifted...

  • MWO Sidney Allen “Al” Sheffer, CD (Ret’d)
    Deceased: 03 Feb 2023

    We regret to advise of the death of Master Warrant Officer Allen "Al" Sheffer, CD (Ret’d) on 3 February 2023, peacefully at the Chilliwack General Hospital at age 87 Years. Many will remember Al as the Field Engineer Career Manager in...

  • Sgt Yvon Bourassa, CD (Ret’d)
    Deceased: 31 Jan 2023

    Nous avons le regret de vous faire part du décès paisible du Sergent Yvon Bourassa le 31 janvier 2023 à l'âge de 82 ans.

    Né à St-Severain-de-Proulxville QC, Yvon s'est enrôlé dans les Forces canadiennes en mars 1959 en tant que...


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