Cpl Josh Lalonde
Cpl Joshua Lalonde - Const Tech will be releasing on 14 May 2016 after 10+ years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the CME Branch, please see the attached bio. Please send all congratulatory msg, embarrassing stories (true or otherwise), humorous anecdotes and well wishes to the OPI, prior to 14 May 2016 to WO Michael Baumann or by fax 780 842-1848.
A departure luncheon for Cpl Lalonde will be held at B-199 Jr. Ranks Mess Edmonton on 27 May 17 at 1200 hrs. Cpl Lalonde retired from the CF on May 14th 2016 after 10+ years of loyal and dedicated service to Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers.
Cpl Lalonde was born in Calgary Alberta in 1985 and has seen most of Canada at a young age due to his father being in the military.
In July of 2005 Cpl Lalonde joined the forces as a Construction Technician, during his time in the forces he’s been posted to Edmonton, Gagetown, Winnipeg, and here in Wainwright.
After basic training he requested to be sent to Edmonton for some OJT while awaiting his construction course to be fully loaded. While his time in Edmonton was short, he was still able to be part of a great project for Habitat for Humanity building a Four-plex.
After completing his QL3s for carpentry, he was posted to Winnipeg, where he worked on various projects on base, as well as many of the Armouries. He also had the opportunity to work on an Air National Guard (ANG) work exchange project where he was the OPI for the major renovations that took place at the Minto Armouries. (For anyone who doesn’t know what an ANG project is, it’s where Canadian Construction Engineering technicians exchange projects with the U.S. ANG every two years. The projects help the technicians see how our neighbors to the South work and vice versa.
In 2011 Cpl Lalonde was posted Wainwright where he has had the opportunity to work on many projects around the base big and small. From changing toilet paper dispensers (and I mean a lot), to helping build the Indoor Shoot House. He was also deployed to Resolute Bay near the Arctic Circle, working with other trades and completing various projects around the base, such as readying a weapons vault.
Coming to such a small base here in Wainwright, Cpl Lalonde wore many hats at CE, not only was he a Carpenter, he was also the Sports Rep, the IT rep, a Locksmith, the Safety Rep/UGSO(for a stint) and near the end he was also part of the Rec club.
Josh, his wife Stephanie, and their two daughters will be moving to Edmonton, where Josh plans on pursuing a new career in Health and Safety.