Cpl Christian Roy, CD

    Après plus de 41 ans de bons et loyaux services au sein des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) et la Branche du Génie militaire canadien, le Cpl Christian Roy, CD (veuillez voir la bio ci-jointe), prendra sa retraite le 02 Mai 2017.  Une cérémonie de départ dans la dignité aura lieu au ROCC Lounge, BFC North Bay, le 28 Avril 2017.  Les participants sont priés d'informer le BPR de leur participation prévue APTL 14 Avril 2017.  Les anecdotes ou souhaits de retraite peuvent être envoyés au BPR par courriel.

    BPR :   Sgt Jamie McCreight ou par téléphone au 705-494-2011 local 6552.

    Cpl Chris Roy joined the Canadian Armed Forces on the 4th of September 1975 at the age of 18 in Montreal, Quebec. He started his basic training on the 14th of September in St Jean sur Richelieu. After the basic training Cpl Roy attended English course then got loaded on his QL3 Fire Fighter course in October 1976.

    On completion of QL3 in March 1977, Cpl Roy got posted to CFB North Bay where he learned the trade of fire fighting, he stayed till November 1980. Chris got the chance to see Europe when he was transferred on HMCS Saguenay in Halifax. After the two years on ship Cpl Roy got posted to CFB Ottawa (uplands) where he met his wife, got married and started his family.
    In June 1987 Cpl Roy got posted to Baden Soellingen Germany where he had the chance to mix work and travel Europe.
    In 1991 four years later he was back to North Bay where he managed to stay until 2001 as a regular force member and had the opportunity to join the air reserve force to continue to do what he always enjoyed doing.
    Happy to be in North Bay with his family.
    One thing Christian says is that he doesn’t think he would have had a better life else where then in the military.