Capt B.G.T. Hartwick, CD
Après plus de 12 ans de bons et loyaux services au sein des Forces armées canadiennes et de la Branche du Génie militaire canadien, le Capt Brad Hartwick, CD, prendra sa retraite le 2 septembre 2022. Les anecdotes et les souhaits de retraite peuvent être envoyés au Sgt B.B. Makthepharak à Bounyarattanaphon.
Capt Bradley (Brad) Gordon Terrance Hartwick joined the CAF in Sudbury, ON, in July 2010 as an Engineer Officer and attended RMCC under the ROTP. After graduating from Civil Engineering in May 2014 and from phase training at CFSME in April 2015, Brad was posted to 1 CER in Edmonton, AB. During his first year at 1 CER, Brad was employed as the Assistant Ops O of 11 Light Fd Sqn. In this year, he became a Combat Diver, was a member of the 2016 Ex ROGUISH BUOY winning dive team, and completed the Combat Diver Supervisor course. Brad served as the Resource Tp Comd in 2016 and then as the 22 Light Fd Tp Comd in 2017. Notably, he was employed as the senior engineer advisor to 3 PPCLI throughout various exercises at the USMC Mountain Warfare Training Centre in Bridgeport, California. He deployed as the Acting 2I/C of the Vanguard Coy on Op LENTUS 17-04 before completing his time at 1 CER as the 12 Fd Sqn Ops O in April 2018.
After 1 CER, Capt Hartwick served as the CJIRU Adjutant in CANSOFCOM, receiving the CJIRU Command Team Coin in May 2019 for transforming unit governance and operational processes. Brad then served as the S3-3, leading the unit’s command centre during crisis response training and supporting deployed teams. At the onset of COVID-19, Brad developed and implemented business continuity plans to ensure continued mission success.
In August 2020, after two years as a CANSOFCOM Supporter, Brad became the 2 CER Adjt for a year. Being keenly interested in the wellbeing of injured soldiers, Brad requested a posting to the Transition Centre Unit Eastern Ontario in Petawawa/North Bay and served as Coy 2I/C and Pl Comd. For two years, he advocated for members’ needs and volunteered with the CFB Petawawa Diversity and Employment Equity Advisory Group, and the Phoenix Centre for Children and Families in Pembroke, ON. Brad’s work ensured community mental-health resources were supporting the unique needs of military families.
In April 2022, Brad accepted employment with KPMG’s People and Change work stream in Toronto, ON. He will develop a veteran talent network within KPMG with the support of the firm’s National Inclusion and Diversity Partner. Brad will also volunteer with Treble Victor’s Toronto Chapter to mentor veterans transitioning out of uniform.
Brad and his wife, Kierstyn, will move to Toronto this summer, where Brad will finish an Executive Coaching Certificate from the University of Toronto and begin working at KPMG in September. Brad welcomes all CAF members to contact him on LinkedIn if they are interested in discussing or sharing their military transition journey. (