Article submitted by LCol Dan O’Keefe, CD (Ret’d)
Another successful Exercise Paladin Response was conducted in and around Chilliwack, BC, from December 26 to 31, 2024. Training sites included the Maple Bay Boat Launch and campground areas at Cultus Lake, the Colonel Roger St. John Armoury in Vedder Crossing, Chilliwack, and the OPSEE Training Area.
This annual exercise, previously known as Ex QUARREL JUMP, has been held for approximately 35 years, primarily in the Chilliwack area, though it has occasionally taken place at CFB Wainwright and CFB Gagetown.
This year’s iteration was led by LCol Steve Piers, CO of 39 CER, as the Exercise Commanding Officer, with CWO Mike Mazerolle from 41 CER acting as the Exercise RSM. Maj Andrew Gower, DCO of 39 CER, served as the Exercise OIC.
A total of 242 participants took part, representing all 10 PRes CERs, with the majority being first-time attendees of Exercise Paladin Response. The event also included U.S. Army soldiers from the 671st Multi-Role Bridging Company. Exercise support was provided by various units of 39 Brigade, with technical engineer expertise offered by CFSME, including a bridging SME who provided invaluable advice, guidance, and practical tips.
Despite the typically rainy Lower Mainland BC weather, the soldiers persevered throughout the week-long exercise. Training included reconnaissance, design, planning, construction, and operation of various engineer gap-crossing equipment, including:
- Medium Floating Rafts,
- Medium Girder Bridges,
- Modular Steel Acrow Bridges, and
- Assault Boats.
Although the exercise focused on domestic operations, such as constructing Medium Floating Bridges (MFBs) during major floods, the skills developed are broadly applicable to all phases of military operations—from peacekeeping to high-intensity warfighting.
The exercise also provided a valuable training opportunity for the unit HQ. Participants included CS 5, CS 8, a field squadron of PTA (approximately 150 sappers), and a large command post (CP). The CP facilitated briefings to VIPs, task monitoring, and movement tracking. This year, a blue force tracker system called ATAK was employed, allowing real-time GPS tracking of all CS elements, which was displayed on a large screen in the CP.
The training was observed by senior members of the 3rd Canadian Division Chain of Command, including: Brigadier-General Ursich, Deputy Commander - 3rd Canadian Division; Chief Warrant Officer Colgan - Deputy Division Sergeant Major; Colonel Lindsay - Commander of 39 Canadian Brigade Group; Chief Warrant Officer Harris - 39 Brigade Sergeant Major and CWO Stephen Stamp - 41 Brigade Sergeant Major.
Reflecting on the exercise, CWO Mazerolle shared: “It’s amazing to me that on Christmas Day, you and your family can be enjoying turkey, and by Boxing Day, you’re at the airport, alongside over 240 others, ready in Chilliwack to have panels up by 10 AM on the 27th.”
On the final day of training, three troops competed in a 5-bay SS MGB construction competition, with 10 sappers per team. This year, 1 Troop claimed the trophy with a time of 21:04, including penalties. During the awards ceremony, the CO and RSM presented seven unit coins to deserving members. Additionally, CWO Mazerolle had the honor of presenting the Sgt George Miok Award—bestowed upon the sapper who demonstrated exceptional leadership, ethics, behavior, and technical knowledge, as voted by troop WO, to Cpl McCurdy from 36 CER.
Summing up the experience,
CWO Mazerolle concluded:
“All in all, this is the highlight of my RSM-ship so far. I would do this again and again—bringing together our young reservists at the birthplace of the Engineers in Chilliwack….AWESOME.”