An annual military national competition between the various regions took place in Ottawa again this year. Military Nationals for triathlon was hosted by Triathlon Gatineau on 6 Jul 19. Sixteen members from each region came to the NCR to compete against their previous times as well as other friends and colleagues. This year was no different. Hot weather meant a non-wetsuit legal race. Both Sprint and Olympic distance races took place in 40 and under and master’s divisions for both Male and Females of the CAF. A few members either currently employed in Engineer Units or members of the CMEA Branch took part in this annual competition. Major Pierre-Vincent Daigle, Captain Alexandre Blackburn and Maj Adam Beaver competed in the Olympic distance of 1.5 km swim, 40km bike and 10 km run as well as Capt Blackburn. Lt. Jean-Charles Viens and MCpl Alexandre Bilodeau competed in the sprint distance with a 750m swim, 20km bike and 5km run.
If you are interested in finding out about how to qualify, look at cafconnection website under triathlon for the rules and eligibility and start discussing with a local team or club to start training for next year.
The Engineers represented the Branch very well by qualifying for next year’s nationals as well as finishing with competitive times compared to the elite and current CISM athletes. Others it was there very first time attending this amazing experience. Most out of town regions fly on Thursday/Friday. Race kits were picked up and last-minute preparations of equipment or activation to prepare for the race. Our race brief started at 1730 hrs to review rules and other sport-related presentations. We had PSP representatives and retired Gen Ploughman VP PSP National spoke as our impromptu patron. The race started early as we needed to be at the site of 0700 hrs. Lac Leamy in Gatineau Park was the transition and race node. The race was very organized and DND was a special stakeholder at the race with our tent, storage area and our own bike racks! Luckily we had Chris and Beth as chief and deputy officials. They helped us in transition and made sure we were tidy and limited to no penalties on the day.
This all could not have been possible without PSP and the various organizers. We had a semi-professional experience and great turnout which represented BALANCE and CAF members from all across the wings and bases.