D-Day Veteran Sgt Bill Ludlow (Ret'd) Celebrates 100th Birthday

CWO/Adjuc Golden, Sgt St-Louis, Sgt Bill Ludlow (Ret'd/ret), LCol/Lcol Doran
Sgt Bill Ludlow September 1945
William (Bill) Ludlow with his grandson, Sergeant Scott Thompson of the Canadian Combat Engineers in 2007
Publication Date 
17 Sep 2020

On 13 September 2020, a well-known ex-member of 34 Combat Engineer Regiment, Sgt Bill Ludlow, celebrated his 100th birthday. Bill was a member of the 16th Field Company, RCE, from 1941 to 1945.  Bill is not only one of few living veterans of the Second World War to have served in the same unit as his father, but he also landed in Normandy on D-Day, June 6th, 1944. In recognition of his distinguished and dedicated service, the Regiment established the Ludlow Trophy in 1983 to honour his memory. This trophy is awarded annually to the most distinguished Senior NCO for excellence.

To mark the special occasion, the Commandant, the RSM and Sgt St-Louis (winner of the Ludlow trophy in 2019) visited him at his retirement home.

We wish Sgt Ludlow a long and healthy life.
