CWO/Adjuc J.D.S. Gaudreau, MMM, CD

    • CWO/Adjuc J.D.S. Gaudreau, MMM, CD

    After more than 34 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, CWO Dominic Gaudreau, MMM, CD, will retire on 30 Jun 2021. Anecdotes, congratulatory messages, and pictures can be sent to MWO R.N. Côté at

    Chief Warrant Officer Dominic Gaudreau was born in November 1968 in the small town of Montmagny, QC. He oined the Canadian Forces in November 1986 as a Combat Engineer and, following Basic Training in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, moved to Chilliwack, BC, for trades training. On completion of the course, he was posted to 5 CER (Valcartier) where he filled many sapper and corporal roles. From October 1992 to May 1993, he deployed to
    Croatia and Bosnia during Op Cavalier Roto 0 as a Section 2I/C.

    Upon returning from deployment, Dominic was promoted to MCpl and posted to the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering (CFSME) in Chilliwack, BC, where he primarily taught Bridging and General Military Training.

    In January 1997, he returned to 5 CER as a Sergeant to be employed as a Sect Comd, a Recce Sgt, and a Sqn Ops Sgt. Promoted in April 2000, now WO Gaudreau trained his troop and deployed on Op Palladium (Bosnia) as the Tp WO from October 2001 to April 2002. Upon his return, he filled the Ops WO position at 5 CER.

    In August 2003, CWO Gaudreau was posted to the Non-Commissioned Member Professional Development Center (NCM PDC) in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu as a facilitator for the new ILQ course. After 14 courses as a facilitator and a year in Standards, he was promoted to MWO in July 2006 and returned to 5 CER as a Squadron Sergeant-Major.

    Two years later, in July 2008, he was again posted to CFSME but this time, in Gagetown, NB. He filled the Standards Sergeant-Major billet for two years and the Field Engineer Training Squadron Sergeant-Major position for one.

    Posted back to 5 CER again in July 2011, CWO Gaudreau was attach-posted to 5 CMBG HQ where he filled the G3 Eqpt and Ress position and acted as the Bde HQ SM. Promoted to his actual rank in May 2012, he became the 23rd RSM of 5 CER. He remained in this position until June 2015.

    His post-unit employment as a CWO includes AJAG CWO Eastern Region, Sergeant Major of the 2nd Canadian Division Support Group, and Sergeant-Major of the 2nd Canadian Division and Joint Task Force (East).

    CWO Gaudreau is married and has two daughters.