CWO/Adjuc J.A. Dyke, CD
Adjuc Jamie Dyke, CD prendra sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes le 12 juillet 2015 après 31 années de service qu'il a consacré comme membre des FAC et de la Branche du GMC (voir bio ci-joint).
Amis et collègues sont invités à assister à son départ dans la dignité qui aura lieu à l'EGMFC Gagetown; Édifice J - 10, lieu de l'assemblée du commandant, le 29 mai 2015 à 15h00. Si vous avez des félicitations ou des anecdotes vous pouvez les envoyer avant le 22 mai 2015 à l'Adjum Rob Overton
> CWO Dyke was born in Corner Brook NL and finished his high school education in 1982. In the spring of 1983, he applied to join the CF. During his interview he was asked, “Do you like camping?” to which he replied, “yes, I sure do”. He was then asked if he liked being in the woods, “Yes”, he said, “I consider it my second home”. The recruiter then said, "I have the job for you"!!!!! You will be part of a profession that is so rich in history and pride that you will glow when you return home for holidays. 03 Jul 1983, he was enrolled in the CF as an Infantryman with the 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment in Gagetown, NB. He completed his Infantry Section Commander’s Course (ISCC) in Dec of 1986 and was one of 10 students promoted to the rank of MCpl during the graduation parade. He continued his career with the RCRs until he remustered to the Engineers; as a Plumbing and Heating Technician, in Jan 1989. His first posting after his QL3 course, was Cornwallis, NS. There he deployed to Alert with 1 ESU and completed a summer task of replacing the water and sewer pipe that serviced the station. In 1991, he was posted to 4 Wing Cold Lake, AB. Before he was able to settle in, he deployed to CFB Alert, again with 1 ESU, to complete the installation of the new heat recovery system. CWO Dyke would deploy two more times from Cold Lake, in 1993 to the Golan Heights Israeli and in 1995 to Port Au Prince, Haiti. Promoted to MCpl again, in 1997 he was posted to 4 ESR Construction Troop CFB Gagetown. He participated in many great projects while posted at 4 ESR. Such as, constructing a new house for Habitat for Humanity in Saint John NB, planning and constructing a new building for 41 Field Sqn and the construction of the Lindsay Valley Ski Lodge; to mention a few. In 1999 he went back to the Golan Heights for his second tour and in the summer of 2001 was promoted to Sgt. In 2002 he was posted to CFSME as a PH Instructor. Here is where he would develop his passion for the training establishment. He truly enjoyed teaching the young soldiers the art of Plumbing and Heating and considers this the best job of his career. CWO Dyke’s tour in CFSME would see him employed in every position the school offered, including the CETS Training Coordinator. In 2004 he was promoted to WO and moved into the PH Standards position. In 2007 CWO Dyke assumed a position in CEMS as an Instructor and taught on the CE SUPT 6B and CEOC. Promoted to MWO in 2008, he was posted to Kabul, Afghanistan, attached to DFAIT, for a one year tour at the Canadian Embassy as the Property Manager. Upon his return from Afghanistan in 2009, he was posted to 1 ESU as the 11 Sqn SSM. He would stay in this job until 2012 when he was posted back to CFSME as the CETS SSM (a great Job). Promoted to CWO in Jul 2014, he was posted to 17 Wing Winnipeg, 2 CAD as the AF CE Trg 2. CWO Dyke has accepted a civilian position at CFSME as a Plumbing and Heating Instructor, where he will continue to serve the CME branch, passing his knowledge and experience on to the future leaders of the Construction Engineers. He is also looking forward to finally settling down with his wife Maria and spending time with his three grandchildren and watching them grow up. At Jamie’s request, friends and colleagues are welcome to attend his depart with dignity presentation function which will take place at CFSME Gagetown; Bldg. J-10, Commandant’s Assembly Area on the 29th of May 2015 at 1500hrs. Dress will be dress of the day or civilian casual. Congratulatory messages and anecdotes can be sent to Master Warrant Officer Rob Overton.