CWO Robert Gene “Bob” Elliott, CD (Ret’d)
We regret to advise of the death of Chief Warrant Officer Robert Gene “Bob” Elliott, CD (Ret’d) of Chilliwack, BC on 8 June 2020 at Cascade Hospice at the age of 90. Bob was a Korean War veteran.
Bob was born in Moncton NB and enlisted in November 1947. He is believed to have been a member of the first class of post-war Permanent Force recruits to undertake training at the Royal Canadian School of Military Engineering in Camp Chilliwack BC. Not too long after he started his first posting he earned his Jump Wings at Rivers MB in 1950. Bob then served in the Korean War with 23rd Field Squadron (1952-53). After Korea he returned to Camp Chilliwack for a short period as an instructor before he was posted to 1 Field Squadron in Werl, Germany (1955-57). Two years after returning to Canada he deployed to Egypt for two years with the United Nations Emergency Force .
Bob was appointed Sergeant Major of 2 Field Squadron in Gagetown NB In 1966 in what was to be the first of his several appointments as Sergeant Major. He next deployed to Tanzania in 1969 as part of a program to instruct the Tanzianian Defence Force in Military Engineering subjects. Returning to Canada, Bob was appointed Squadron Sergeant Major of 1 Field Squadron, Petawawa ON (1972 - 73) followed by returning to Chilliwack as the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering Chief Warrant Officer (Jul 1973 - Jan 1974). Subsequently he held the appointment of Canadian Forces Base Chilliwack Chief Warrant Officer for four years (Jun 1974 - Jul 1978). Following this appointment Bob served a short tour in National Defence Headquarters where he was part of the team managing Canada’s Northern Airfields. Bob retired from the Canadian Forces to Chillliwack in August 1979.
After he retired, Bob was a salesman for the local Chevrolet dealer. He also owned and operated Elliot's Trophies in Chilliwack. Bob was a strong supporter of the Royal Canadian Legion and was Sergeant-at-Arms of the Vedder Crossing Branch for many years. Bob was also Past President of Korea Veterans Unit #24. In recognition of his service Bob was awarded the Queen’s Coronation Medal and the Canadian Centennial Medal.
A private service will be held at the legion. Royal Canadian Legion Vedder Golden Branch No. 280. Online condolences can be sent to the funeral home.{khJun2020} [kv]