CWO Joseph “Joe” M. Nagy, CD (Ret'd)

    • Chief Warrant Officer Joseph “Joe” M. Nagy, CD (Ret’d)
    • RCE EIIR Badge
    • Chief Warrant Officer Joseph “Joe” M. Nagy, CD (Ret’d)

    We regret to advise of the death of Chief Warrant Officer Joseph “Joe” M. Nagy, CD (Ret’d) on Wednesday 2 January 2019 at the age of 89 in his home in Fort Erie ON. Joe served Canada both as a Canadian Military Engineer and a Public Servant. 

    Joe joined the Royal Canadian Engineers in 1949 and took his recruit training at the Royal Canadian School of Military Engineering in Chilliwack, BC. Throughout his careers, he worked with fellow military and civilian members in the Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence in Chilliwack BC, Halifax NS, Whitehorse YT, Victoria BC, Montreal QC, Toronto and Ottawa, ON. He also served two peacekeeping tours in the Middle East with the United Nations. Joe was a graduate of the University of British Columbia and Concordia University. 

    Joe regarded that, wherever he was that was his home. But he always returned to his first home area in Saskatchewan for visits with near relatives.